Nothing Is Perfect, but It Has to Be Some Day


The next few days seem to go perfectly, patrols are going well, Jake and I hardly see each other and there have been little to no problems. Well except for the Swan girl coming around she won't leave Jake alone. Today we are heading over to Jake's as a pack to get him.

We walk up in our human forms and I see that Swan girl's truck sitting outside. She gets out and slams her door. She walks angrily over to us. She begins screaming and Paul laughs. She walks up and slaps him and I instantly see red. With no warning except for my shaking body I instantly phase into my wolf form.

I look at Paul and he's still fuming but controlling his self. "Lyra don't." I hear Sam say. I ignore him and continue to walk towards Bella, teeth bared and growling low. "Bella look out!" Jacob screams from his porch. She yells something back and I see him come barreling across the yard, he jumps up in the air and phases.

He lands in front of me in a defensive position in front of Bella. **Back off Lyra** **Go to hell Jacob. She hit Paul.** **Yea and she's a human girl like it hurt him.** **She blamed us for you.** I growl at him and pounce. He counters by literally throwing me into the clearing. I yelp in pain but tackle Jake again. Jacob throws me again and I see Paul's silver mass hit Jacob from the side. "Take her to Emily's" I hear Sam tell Jared and Embry. "Looks like the wolfs out of the bag." One of them says. The fight between Jacob and Paul is moved into the woods and I see Sam run towards it then phase.

I hobble my self over behind a group of trees and rocks and lick my various wounds. **Lyra are you okay?** **No. I'm phasing back I think he re-broke my arm.** As I phase my howl of pain turns into a scream of pain and Sam runs over to me. He gives me a look that says go home. I delicately put my clothes on and limp my way home. I walk inside and instantly the chatter stops. "Oh my god Lyra."

Emily rushes over to me with a wet towel in hand. She reaches up to my face and wipes away a bunch of blood I didn't realize was there. "Damn Jacob really did a number on you." I hear Embry say. I shoot him a look and he flinches "Sorry." "Are her and Paul together?" I hear Bella whisper to the two boys. "Yes." I answer before the two of them could. She looks at me apologetically but I ignore it and turn back to Emily. "Come on lets reset your arm before it starts healing." She tries to move the two bones back together in the correct position but the bones have already started fusing. "Damn. One of the boys is going to have to re-break it." "Paul." I say simply and she nods.

She cleans up what is left of my cuts and scrapes and I sit in the kitchen waiting for Paul. He walks in a few minutes later and Jacob and him seem to be okay now. He looks to me and rushes over. He places a kiss on my lips that is full of tenderness. "Are you okay babe?" "No. I need you to re-break my arm. It healed wrong." I say quietly. "Okay. I'll make it quick, ok babe?" I nod and we walk into the bathroom. I sit down on the sink and he grabs hold of my bad arm. "Just do it."

He wastes no time and snaps the bone in my arm again. I scream in pain and tears stream down my face. He wraps it quickly and takes my shaking body in his arms. "Its okay babe. Do you want to go lie down?" I nod and he picks me up bridal style. I cuddle into his chest and he carries me through the kitchen and up stairs to my room. He gently lays me in the bed and kisses my forehead. "I'll be right downstairs if you need me." I nod and slip into dreamland.
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Sorry for the lack of updating.

Writer's block sucks.

That and I didn't have internet where I was.

More updates to come soon.
