Nothing Is Perfect, but It Has to Be Some Day

Arrival and a Dream

The hour and a half trip from Port Angeles to La Push went by fast. Jared and I caught up on a lot of things. I told him about my boring life in Ohio and he told me all about his new girlfriend Kim. "She seems like a great girl Jared. I'm glad you found her." he smiles widely. "Well we're here." I look out of my window and see the somewhat familiar scenery.

"Not much has changed in 8 years has it?" I ask as I step out of the car onto the muddy ground. "Nope not much at all. We've had a few new people move onto the Res though. "Oh who are they?" "Their names are Embry and Paul. They're our age." "Oh ok. So how is Jacob doing?" he looks down at his shoes and starts walking towards the house. "Jared. How is Jacob?" He stops "I don't talk to him much anymore." he quickly states and walks into the house.

"Thanks for your help." I mumble to myself and grab my bags from the car. I trudge up to the door and kick it a few times. "Why is she knocking?" Jared asks aloud. "Come on in Lyra!" "I can't open the damn door Jared!" I scream back. I hear some shuffling around and the door swings open and I see a larger version of the Sam I remember standing there. "Sam?" I yell. I drop my bags and engulf him in a hug. "Its good to see you too bug." he says as he picks me up and swings me around. I scrunch my face at my nickname. " I thought I got rid of that?" "Nope you'll always be my little bug." I laugh and he puts me back down. "Ready to see your room?" I nod and he grabs a couple of my bags and I follow him upstairs.

I follow him into a decent sized room, complete with a queen sized bed, a love seat, computer desk, and a window seat. I set my bags down on the bed and Sam follows suit. "Do you like it?" he asks. "Its great. Thank you." "You are very welcome." "Where is Emily?" "She had to run to the store. She will be back shortly I hope. She is very excited about seeing you." "I'm excited to see her too." "Well I'll leave you to unpack. I have to go work. If you need anything Jared is downstairs." "Thanks Sam." "Anytime Bug." he leaves me to unpack my bags. I put away all of my clothes in the appropriate places, I hang up a few posters and pictures, hang all of my dreamcatchers and plop down on my bed.

Somehow I end up falling asleep and am thrown into dreamland. In my dream I am laying in an open meadow, filled with fresh wild flowers and long grass. I lie there on my back basking in the sun and playing with the blades of grass. I suddenly feel another prescence in the field I sit up and look around. I see a large shadow on the far side of the field and it is moving closer towards me. As it gets closer I see it is a large animal, almost dog or bear like. It gets even closer and the shadow begins to change shape into the body of a tall man. I smile at the figure and begin running towards it. I almost reach him and then...I wake up.

I sit up in my bed, breathing heavily. I look out of the window and see that it is dark outside. I hear voices and laughter from downstairs so I decide to investigate. I walk down the stairs and peek my head around the corner into the kitchen. "Bug! Come here!" I hear Sam yell. My face goes red because I know I had been caught. I walk slowly into the kitchen and sit in the open chair at the table, beside Sam. "Bug this is Embry Call." "Embry this is Emily's little cousin Lyra." He looks up and smiles at me and this is when I notice that both him and Sam are shirtless and wearing cut off shorts. I bug my eyes out and stare at Sam. "Sam Uley! Its cold and raining outside! Why the hell are you wearing shorts and no shorts?" I yell. He bursts out in a deep laugh. "We're very warm blooded." I roll my eyes and stand up to go into the kitchen.
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