Nothing Is Perfect, but It Has to Be Some Day

The Bug and The Jolly Green Giant

I walk into the kitchen and see Emily, standing with her back towards me. "Em!" She turns around a huge smile on one side of her face. I reach up and gingerly touch the scars that adorn the right side of her face and hand. "Em...what happened?" "I got to close to a wolf out in the woods. So be careful if you go out there." "Aw. Em." I pull her into a hug and she squeezes me back tightly. She pulls away, a smile plastered on her face.

"I'm so glad you came." "Me too." I smile back. "Want to help me with dinner?" "Sure!" "Ok grab the burgers and the hot dogs out of the fridge." I open the fridge and see two plates piled high with fresh burger patties and two large packages of hot dogs. "Are we feeding all of La Push?" Emily laughs "No, just us, Sam, Jared, Embry and Paul." "Oh wow. Hungry boys."

I follow Emily outside to the back porch where the grill is. I watch as she lights it up and I hand her the meat. As the grill heats up we start building a bon fire. I have it lit quickly and Sam and Embry soon come outside. They each pull over a few giant logs and place them around the fire so we have places to sit. "Good job on the fire Bug. I taught you well." Sam says as he puts his arm around my shoulders. "Bug?" "Yes Sam?" "You need to grow." I shoot him a glare and he grins cheekily. "No Jolly Green Giant. You need to shrink." He laughs mockingly at this and leaves me to go talk to Emily.

I suddenly get the urge to go check something out. I make sure that no one is paying attention and run into the woods. About a mile and a half in, I find a small circular clearing that happens to have a large oak tree growing in the center. I walk around the tree and pull out my cell phone. I sace the side of the tree and find what I am looking for. I trace a finger over the jagged letters and read them aloud. "Lyra Angeni Young. My little wolf." I smile and a tear rolls down my cheek. My mother carved this for me right before we left the reservation. She always called me her little wolf and I am really unsure why.

"I miss you momma." I whisper. I let my head fall and suddenly I am startled by a twig snapping. I quickly turn around and try to let out a screm, but nothing comes out. There standing in front of me, less than ten feet away is the largest, snarling, dark silver wolf I have ever seen. I quickly drop my head, refusing to make eye contact, as not to challenge the wolf. I stand perfectly still as the giant wolf moves towards me
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A BIG thanks to TRENYCE295 for the comment. I appreciate it!

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