Nothing Is Perfect, but It Has to Be Some Day

Dazed and Confused

The wolf is soon standing directly in front of me and I stare down at its massive paws. Subduing to my urges, I look up and my eyes lock with his. Suddenly he stops snarling and the look on his muzzle calms. and his eyes, they felt like they bore straight into my soul. I felt a connection with this wolf that I have never felt with any other creature. I react out to touch his muzzle but he darts off before I can.

I look around in amazement and begin walking back towards the house. I finally reach the back yard and Sam comes running up to me. "Lyra! Where the hell did you go?" he yells. I look up at him still dazed. "My tree." "What were you thinking?" " I wanted to see if my mom's carving was still there." "Oh..." "Did you know that there are giant wolves out in the woods? I met one. He was gorgeous too. He had dark silver fur and his eyes, I felt like they could see right through me." "What?" He yells, becoming enraged.

I just shrug my shoulders and walk over towards Emily, where I see Jared and a new figure standing. I walk up behind Jared and grab his sides, making him jump. "Shit Lyra!" he yells almost dropping his plate. I laugh and grab a hot dog off his plate and quickly scarve it down. "She fits in already." Emily chuckles. I smile and look over to the new person. I feel extremely drawn to him so I make my way over to talk to him. He looks up and we lock eyes. "Hi. I'm Paul." he says quickly. "I'm Lyra." he smiles and from out of no where Sam is beside him, dragging him away. "Paul, I need to talk to you. Now!" he says through clenched teeth.

No One's P.O.V.

"Paul, I need to talk to you. Now!" Sam says as he drags Paul away from Lyra. "Did you imprint on her?" Sam asks through clenched teeth, trying not to phase. Paul nods and Sam lets out a low growl. "Don't start with me Sam! You know it can't be helped!" Paul growls back causing Sam to stop. "But why her?" "I don't know. You tell me Sam!" Paul yells. Sam starts breathing heavily "Do not go near her." he orders. "Fine." Paul runs off before he can phase and Sam stand there flustered.

Lyra's P.O.V.

I sit down in front of the fire with a plate of food and chat with Jared. "So whats Paul like?" I ask nonchalantly." Jared laugs loudly. "He's a hothead. Just like you. But he's a good guy. Why do you ask?" "I am not a hot head!" he laughs again "Bullshit Lyra." I glare at him and he cocks an eyebrow. "Point proven Lyra." I scoff and continue to eat. "So why'd you ask about Paul?" "Just curious."

Jared scrunches up his eyebrows and then his eyes widen. "Ohhh." he says suddenly. "What?" I ask. "Nothing Lyra. Its hard to explain." "Jared!" "Nothing Lyra! Forget about it!" I huff angrily and throw my food and plate into the fire and storm off. I head straight for the woods, no one seeing where I go. "Stupid little shit!" I say refering to Jared, as I kick things out of my way. I walk for at least an hour and I finally sit down on the forest floor, in a tiny clearing and stare up at the stars. I find all of my favorite constellations and recited their stories out loud. I soon doze off and dream of nothing.
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Please let me know what you think!

<3 C