Nothing Is Perfect, but It Has to Be Some Day

Catching Up

I wake up the next morning in my bed, wrapped up in my blankets. "How the hell?" I think back to what happened last night and vaguely remember being carried out of the woods by a very warm figure and dozing back off to sleep. I just shrug my shoulders and hop out of bed. I hop in the shower throw some clothes on and head downstairs.

I walk downstairs and find that no one is home. "Where is everyone?" I ask aloud to myself. "Well I guess I'm on my own today." I grab a pice of paper and pen and write a note to Sam and Emily...

Sam & Em,

Went on a walk. I'll be back soon. I have my cell if you need me.

Love you,

I grab one of Emily's muffins and make sure I have my cell phone, then walk out the door. I walk down to First Beach and walk along the beach for awhile before deciding to find a large rock and sit. I sit there and watch as the ocean crashes up on the rocks and beach and think about everything, my mom, my wolf, how much things have changed here.

I can't seem to put it all into perspective. Its hard not having my mom around, she was the one thing that kept me stable in life. We may have moved from place to place, had different men in and out of our lives, but she is the one thing that never changed. She always put me before any of the losers, she worked two jobs to support us so I wouldn't have to work. She was my rock.

As i sit there I let these things wash through me and try to soak it all in. I take a deep breath and release any anger and frustration I have to prevent and outburst or a breakdown. I soon start to feel extremely hot, despite the wind and strip off my sweatshirt. I look to my left and see a large seemingly familiar looking figure walking down the beach.

I just sit there and wait for him to get closer. "Jakey?" I yell at the figure and his head pops up. A look of confusion passes over his face, then one of realization, and finally a huge smile. I jump down off the rock and run towards my other best friend, Jacob Black.

I jump into his arms when I reach him and hug him like there is no tomorrow. "Jakey. I missed you!" I squeel. "I missed you too Lyra. What are you doing back?" He sets me down and we start walking. I explain to him everything that happened with my mother and how that since she was the only one who knew the father, they couldn't send me with him, so they had to send me to my closest relative which happened to be Emily. He smiles "Well I'm glad you are back. Shitty circumstances but I'm glad you are home." I hug him again and he squeezes me tightly.

Thats when I realize that he has also grown as well. "Geeze, what is it with all you Quileute boys and growing to be 6 almost 7 feet tall and looking extremely buff?" He chuckles deeply. "Its in the water. Maybe if you stayed around longer it would've helped you out." He says joking about my size. "Hey now! That is not fair. Do you remember my mother? She was only 4'11 1/2". So don't blame me!" I stick my tongue out at him and he quickly grabs me around the waist and runs with me towards the water. "No Jake no!" I yell through laughter. "Yes Lyra Yes." He yells as he throws me into the shallow water by the beach.

I quickly run outof the water and punch him in the arm. "That was not nice! I probably looked like a drowned rat now." He lets out a booming laugh. "Nope, you look like a drowned dog." "Hahaha." I laugh mockingly at him. I run towards him and jump on him with enough force to take him down. "Hahah I win!" I say as I wring out my hair onto his clothes. "Lyra! Ok, ok you win." "WooHoo!" I jump up and down and turn towards the land away from the ocean.

There I see a rather angry looking Sam and a calm looking Embry. "Lyra!" Sam yells, "Lets go! Now!" I look at Jake apologetically and grab my sweat shirt and my phone. "Whats your number Jake?" I hand him my phone and he puts his number in and hugs me goodbye. "Bye Jakey. I'll see you soon!" I say as I walk towards Sam, who is giving Jacob and awkward look.

I approach Sam and his look becomes angry. "What are you doing Lyra?" he asks angrily "I went on a walk, I left you and Emily a note, and I found Jacob walking and we caught up. Is that a problem?" "It is when you are soaking wet and not wearing a sweatshirt!" "Sam I'm fine. I'm actually burning up so this feels pretty damn good right now." "Ok. Well get back to the house, now. Its too dangerous for you to be out here by yourself." I roll my eyes at him and trudge my way back to the house.
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Thanks to Rissa Lynn for commenting and subscribing!

Thanks to all those who have been subscribing. The count is up to 13 =)

More comments please! I'd like to know how I am doing!

<3 C