Nothing Is Perfect, but It Has to Be Some Day

Changes and Realizations

I arrive back to the house and go straight up to my room . I strip down and put on shorts and a tank top, because I'm burning up. "Sam I freakin hate you right now." I growl to myself. I pace around my room, trying to calm myself down, but it doesn't seem to help. I scream a little and run down the stairs and outside. I run, just run, not really caring where I am going. Running, thats all I wanted to to at this point.

When I finally start becoming fatigued, I slow down and find myself somewhere deep in the woods behind the house. "Fuckin' A." I yell, frustrated with myself. Suddenly I don't feel alone, I feel like there is something or someone close by. The hair on the back of my neck stands up and I know that this is not a good thing.

Something sweeps by and touches my hair. "Such a pretty girl," I hear someone whisper, "But why all alone, deep in the woods?" "Who are you?" I ask standing my ground. "Oh thats not important." I felt something swoosh by again, this time caressing my face. "Show yourself." I growl, becoming frustrated. "Oh dear, You sound so angry." "Ya I'm pissed." My body starts shaking, out of fear or anger, I am not really sure. "Stop screwing with me!" Suddenly in front of me is a gorgeous man with crimson eyes. He walks closer and my body is now convulsing and I am becoming even angrier.

I suddenly feel a heat growing through my body. I feel crunching and grinding coursing through my body and almost instantly, I am down on all fours, seeing through new eyes, and smelling new scents. "Holy Shit!" I scream in my head which seems to come out as a 'Yip' out of my new muzzle. "Aw. What do we have here? A precious little mutt." the red eyed man says. "Lyra hold on! We're coming!" I hear Sam's voice in my head tell me.

"What do I do?" I ask frantically in return. "Stall!" I growl and the man and crouch down in pouncing position. I stand my ground and bare my teeth. He lunges at me and I quickly move out of the way and nip at him. He turns back in the blink of an eye and tackles me. I quickly roll him off and lunge at him. I barely miss him and not even a second later he is on top of me. Then out of nowhere a massive silvre shape tackles the man off me. I look around me and see three more huge wolves standing around me. The one next to is the largest and is all black. "Sam?" "Yes Lyra. We'll talk about it later. Just stay here."

The three wolves take off towards my silver one and soon have the man ripped apart. I just stand there and watch in awe and confusion. The four wolves move back towards me; one is brown, one is gray with dark spots and then my silver wolf and Sam. "What the fuck Sam?" I say inspecting my pure white wolf body. "Jesus Lyra! Not so loud." I hear Jared's voice echo through my head. "Jared?" The brown wolf moves closer and nudges me. "Ok, brown is Jared, black is Sam, gray with spots is..." "Embry." "ok gray with spots is Embry and silver is..." I look up and make eye contact with my silver wolf. "Paul." I whisper. My heart skips a beat.
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Hope it was worth reading.
More posted when I get it written.

<3 C