It's Never Too Late

The One and Only.

The rustic, gold, goblet fitted in her hands perfectly, almost like it was custom made. It rested there relaxing, but somehow watching me and everything that was happening at the same time. I sat, pushed up into the cold, wet, brick corner, unable to draw my eyes away from it; the delicious smell that was wafting around her was too good to pass on. I definitely knew blood was lingering in the goblet but there was also the sweet, sweet smell of red wine somewhere as well. Just the slightest movement from her would make the liquid swish around inside the goblet, refreshing the teasing scent in the air. Occasionally she would let some spill out to make it even harder for me to resist.

Slightly cringing away from her and the delicious smell, I thought to myself. Of all the places I could have been drawn to when reborn, it would be my luck to be drawn here. This town is abandoned, always dimly lit, relatively large and I didn’t have to avoid many people sure; but what about the very few people who did pass through? Those are the people I care about; not my tormentor, not my acquaintance who I rarely saw and right now, definitely not me. Why couldn’t I ever show my face around them again? I mean if they loved me, they would accept me for who I am…right?

Sinking lower to the ground, I pictured my family portrait, removing myself from it. Who am I really kidding? They think I’m dead for crying out loud; it was a part of the custom. Over these past five years my life had been so completely turned around and I had so many changes in lifestyle I had to abide by it wasn’t funny. Resisting this strong urge to drink from every living thing I saw was the absolute worst. Right now I am a complete wreck and there is absolutely nothing I knew of that could help me through this. The other new born had warned me about how difficult it was resisting your mentor but they said it was only for while; it had been longer then a while. I was failing this change.

Finally, slowly, I recomposed myself and drew my gaze from the goblet, looking up into my tormentor’s eyes, showing her no mercy; it was because of her I was like this. She was the one who changed me and for no good reason at all, now I was bound to her for life; if only I was strong enough to work alongside her like I should be doing.

Her piercing green eyes returned my death stare with a devilish grin following closely behind. Without breaking our locked stares, she stole away the silence. “It always comes to this doesn’t it? You’re too lost and confused to resist me. A weak and pathetic soul you are. A lot like the rest of them.”

Dropping my gaze as if it were a piece of dirt, she tilted her head back and laughed the laugh which made you wish you could fade into thin air. Trying to stand up through the wave of laughter was like trying to push a fridge with your pinkie; damn near impossible. Once she had stopped, I took a tiny step away from the corner of the wall which I seemed to have been glued to. Not being able to come out far from the corner because of the sun, I leaned forward and knocked the goblet of blood/wine from her hands, making what was originally my lunch, spill all over her.

Immediately the scent of blood mixed with red wine reached out to my nose, pleading for me to follow it. I felt my throat starting to burn like hell and my eyes starting to heat to crimson red. Her expression changed from pure hatred to disgust when she saw me beginning to lose control over my humanity. I closed my eyes from frustration at my lack of self discipline and half turned away from her; my now deliciously smelling tormentor. Whilst trying to suppress my thoughts of how luscious her blood and soul would taste mixed with the spilt red wine, I heard a car drive past. Thankful for the distraction, I instantly pushed myself backwards into the corner. I wouldn’t be able handle the extra temptation and no one else apart from my tormentor had seen me since my change; and I wanted it to stay that way. Of course now, she was nowhere to be seen and typically she had left the goblet and blood wine behind; most likely to attract the driver, so typical for a tormentor, setting the most dangerous adjusting-to-the-change tasks.

As a few minutes had passed, I decided it was safe enough to whisper to the wind and ask it to blow the blood and goblet down the street, so no attention would be drawn to me. Just as I stuck my nose out, the car drove back past me and slowed down to a stop, not far away from where my visible and now becoming red nose was looking out. Going into panic mode, I automatically froze. I hoped the driver wasn’t looking for me and would keep walking past.

As the driver got out of the car, a massive wave of shock fell over me; it was my Mr-Perfect ex-boyfriend. What was he doing here? Unable to move, I just stared at his profound beauty; he still looked as handsome as ever and thankfully looking that little bit older. Closing his car door he did his adorable little hair flick. With what I thought was a wink from the car headlight, it was enough to tip me over the edge.

Without thinking, I rushed from my corner over to Erik’s side. Biting my lip hard, to try and distract me from the pain of my burning skin, I whispered into Erik’s ear. “Eriiiiiiiik. Remember me? Aurora?”

Always being the calm and collected person he was, Erik didn’t run back to his car frightened nor did he scream out in horror; he simply just nodded his head in response to hearing me.

Smiling at the fact he still remembered me, I whispered something to him again. “I’m so sorryyyyy Erik for leaving youuuuu. I had no choiceeeee. You wouldn’t want me nowwwww, not after seeing who I’ve becomeeeee.”

Completely ignoring the pain – I felt like I was going to spontaneously combust – I focused on Erik and his every reaction. I didn’t want to lose him again, not now.

Thankfully he didn’t turn around to face me when responding. “I will always want you Aurora, no matter who you’ve become. You’ll always be my special Aurora. Boy am I glad that I made that wrong turn, I had no idea I was going to see my beautiful girl today or ever again. I love you baby.”

Forgetting the fact that I was now probably as a red – and visible – as a tomato, I ran up to/through him and kissed him passionately on the lips. It didn’t matter how much pain I was in, it didn’t matter how many tears I was shedding, all that mattered was that I was in his arms again. My mind was screaming at me to bite him, to taste his luscious blood and finish him off, but my lips couldn’t move; they didn’t want to.

That’s when an explosion of tingles shot through my body. I couldn’t feel his lips pressed against mine, nor could I feel his secure arms around me anymore. I was now completely numb. Erik was yelling at me with obvious sadness in his voice, trying to get me to respond, but I could only hear him faintly. Slowly darkness encased me, with a loving smile on my face and a sense of humane completeness, I faded away to nothing. I had won.