Standing Alone


I was heartbroken. I had trusted him, and with that trust I got burned. My vision was blurry with the tears, and as I ran down the halls, I bumped into many people. That’s including teachers and other students. I ran into the girl’s toilets and straight into a stall. I locked the door behind me with shaky hands. I turned to the toilet, leaned over and vomited. Crying always had a toll on me.

After around ten minutes of vomiting and crying, the loud sobs came to an end. I flushed the toilet and unlocked the stall door. I leaned down on the counter and squeezed my eyes shut, trying to hold back left over tears. I turned the tap on and washed my face, and my mouth out.

“Did you see her? She is such a cry baby.” I heard someone whisper from the other side of the toilet doors.

“Ugh, it’s good we were in on this. She was to… How do I say it…? Clingy with Jackson and us.” Another person said. I recognized the voice. It was Lesley. “The only reason we were even friends with her, was because of her parent’s money. She got everything she wanted, which means, us her “best friends” got everything we wanted!” Lesley laughed, making me gasp. Soon the talking faded away. I switched the tap off and left the toilets, making sure to avoid all people. I went to class, dazed, unable to talk at all to anyone.

Classes went by and soon it was lunch time. I didn’t want to go to the cafeteria, because I knew they were going to be there. I just wanted to disappear. They had already made my day living hell so far, in each class I’ve had this morning. I hate it that in each class of the day, I have one or two of my OLD friends in it as well.

They had been purposely writing mean notes to me, and telling on me for writing notes to them, to the teacher. They had been spreading rumors to the other students about me; whispered mean, snide and pure evil things to me. Just to make me mad. Each time they did it, I would hold it in. The only one who was pushing me to my limit was Jackson. He was the worst of them all. He sat behind me in each class e had with me. He would lean into me, play with my hair and whisper things in my ear to piss me off. One time he whispered, “You know that it wasn’t true. The thing about how I loved you…” He had made me stab his hand because of it. But he didn’t tell, surprisingly.

I slowly and unfortunately went to the cafeteria, only because my stomach had disagreed with my mind. I entered silently not wanting anyone to notice me, and went to the counter to get a salad. I paid the lady and found an empty table all the way in the back of the cafeteria, hidden from everyone’s view. I ate in silence for a few minutes, feeling relieved no one had noticed me. I don’t know if the rumors had spread, but I wasn’t in the mood to find out personally. I had finished my lunch, and was ready to leave. I got my stuff and started to get up.

Suddenly two heavy hands landed on my shoulders, holding me down on my seat. I looked up surprised, and saw two faces I truly didn’t want to see. Jackson stood above me with Jessica next to him, smirking. I froze in place, when I saw her smirk. It made me feel a bit ill in the heart.

“Well now Lynn, why don’t we all go have a word in the science room? Just the three of us.” Snickered Jessica. I didn’t move, so they took it as a yes. Or a no, but they pulled me there either way. Once in the science room the pushed me down on a seat, and Jackson tied my hands together with something rough and thick. I looked at them shocked and tried to break free.

“Let me go!” I said loudly. I tugged and tugged at the thing –which I now recognized as a gym rope- trying to free my hands which were starting to lack blood.

“I can’t do that Lyly. You know I ever since that day we met, I thought you were arrogant and naïve? Even today I still think so. You see, the only reason all of us made you our friend was because of your parent’s money and status.” I tried to hold back the tears that were coming. “The boys of the group had a draw. The one to pull out your name was the unlucky one who had to go out with you. I ended up being him. But going out with you was such a bother you see. So I decided to get myself a new girlfriend behind your back.” I gasped. “While going out with you, I had taken quite the liking to your friend Jessica here, and I chose her. After a while, I told her about the plan the popular group had in plan for you, and she wanted to become a part of it. So… she did, because she of all people was someone you trusted dearly and would help the most.” He chuckled. He reached over and stroked my hair for a moment, before pulling on it hard. A few strands were ripped out in the process.

“It was quite unfortunate Lynn, which you found out about me and Jacky here, but finally we don’t have to hide in the dark anymore!” Jessica exclaimed, happily clapping her hands. My eyes widened at her words. “But then again, since you have found out about our plan, we can’t let you go! We don’t want or need you ruining our status here at school!”

“So now we have to do something to you, so you don’t tell anyone. We can’t just let you go free without a warning!” I glared at Jackson, still holding back tears that were hammering down all the walls holding them in. Jessica moved away from us, and went to look in the teacher’s drawer for something. When she found it she hid it behind her back and joyfully skipped back to us.

“I loved you like a sister Lynn, but their plan was genius, I was surprised at myself for not thinking of this earlier.” As she said this, she pulled out a pair of cutting scissors. I gasped and used my feat to push the chair away from Jackson and her.

“You wouldn’t!” I had figured out their plan… Their eyes brightened and they both nodded.

“Oh yes we would!” They both snickered. They moved closer to me; Jackson pulling out his very own pair of scissors in the process…