Standing Alone

New Me

After a few hours alone sitting in the park in shock, I snapped out of my shocked state and took in my surroundings. I was sitting in the dark, alone up a tree with no one in sight. How fast time must have flown by… I frowned still slightly depressed about the fact of my ‘boyfriend’ cheating on me with my ‘best friend’. I mentally slapped myself for feeling depressed. I better get home before my mom and sister start wondering where I am, or call the cops thinking I got robbed, stolen or rapped. Or even all of the three above at the same time.

I looked downward noticing how far up I was in the tree and started to panic a bit. Shit, how am I going to get down? Climbing down was out of the question, I can hardly see if there is anything to grip onto on the trunk to help me. I thought for a while before coming to a conclusion. I would have to jump. I moved around a bit on the branch I sat on before jumping into mid air, waiting for the impact of the ground to hit me. After a few seconds I landed on my feet. My eyes widened a bit in surprise that I hadn’t fallen and broken my neck.

I got up from the crouched position I landed in and dusted myself off; not feeling too bad any more. – I had gone through a lot of break ups, and even though this was the worst one, I could still hold myself together. – I started to walk down the path which led to my house. Fortunately enough I lived down the street; so it didn’t take me long to reach the house. I walked up the steps to the front door slowly, trying to hear any sounds of movement in the house. There were no sounds. Wait, I can hear the faint sound of the TV, and some crying!? I opened up the door and ran to the living room to see who was crying. When I got there, none other than my mom sat there watching TV and crying her eyes out.

“Mom,” I said in shock. She turned her attention away from the TV, to me and smiled a bit.

“Hey my baby, what’s wrong?” She asked, before turning back to the show.

“Nothing is wrong mom! Now…why are you crying?” I asked warily. I moved closer to her and sat down on the couch opposite of her.

“I’m watching Eastenders, Bradley just died!” I gave her a confused look. Ever since she and dad broke up, she had gotten hooked on sappy soap operas. I moaned a bit, and curled up into a ball, glad she hadn’t noticed I was gone. Normally a girl would be crying their eyes out by now, because of their break up, but not me, I’m too used to it… I always fall in love to fast then end up being ruined… I should have known it was going to happen.

But still! I was still sad that they used me for my money, I always knew deep down that that was the only reason they liked me, but I would never agree to it internally. I looked away and cried for myself, my fake relationship, fake friends and popularity. Everything I basically ever had was ruined. How was I to show myself at school on Monday? I groaned a bit in realization that I wouldn’t be able to show my face at school like this.

“Honey, I just noticed something, where has all your beautiful hair gone?” Mom exclaimed in shock. She knew how much I loved my long hair and so did she and she was almost 100% sure I would never cut it.

“Mom, it was getting annoying so I got a haircut.” I quickly replied, wanting to get off this subject quickly. My mom gave me a stern look, but nodded turning back to Eastenders. I sighed quietly and continued my mourning on my social life. *AN (She sounds sort of stuck up! LOL… actually maybe sort of is an understatement…) how am I going to fix this all? I thought for a while, trying to figure out a way to be able to show my face at school next week. After a while of thinking I sat up grinning like a fool. I would have a makeover, and change myself. I knew I never belonged with the populars, so why should I still look and have the wardrobe of one? I quickly got up and raced to my room, to look for my private diary and pen. My diary was also like personal journal in a way, because I sort of plan things in it…

I rummaged through my drawers and closet for about ten minutes until finally finding them both and plopping down on my bed. I opened up my book and turned to a fresh page. At the top of the page I wrote a title.
List of Things to Do, to Change Myself
1. Dye my hair any colour
2. Re-style my hair, even though it’s been “cut” already, (fix it)
3. Get a whole new wardrobe
4. Change my attitude!
5. Get new contact lenses
6. Get a tattoo to state a new me
7. Get everything I think that is needed.
8. Start to hang out with other people!
9. Become a different me, but still be me.

I grinned to myself slyly. I was going to change, even if it means that I have to hurt people in the process. I put my book and pen away in my bag, which I then stashed under my bed. I got up from the spot I was sitting in and stretched. I was tired, but before I went to sleep, I needed to have a shower. I grabbed my PJ’s and other garments, before going to my personal en suit. I had a long shower, washing all the parts that had started to itch, making me wonder if I had accidentally walked or run through some poison ivy today.

After the shower, I got out and got dressed in my nightgown. I towel dried my hair a bit, before blow drying it. I grabbed my curling iron and hair straightens-er. After a few minutes in wondering whether I should curl or straighten my hair, I decided on straightening it. I heated up the straighten-er before finishing up my hair.

I smiled once I was finished and put everything away. I walked slowly to my bed, before getting in and cuddling up into my warm blankets. Soon I was falling into a calm and peaceful dreamless sleep.