Standing Alone

Ready for the Make Over!

I woke up the next morning and refreshed. I felt around my face, to check in case I had started to cry any time of the night, nope no wetness. I internally sighed before getting out of bed and stretching. For some reason I hadn’t ever felt any better than I did now, ever in my life. I walked to my bathroom and turned the shower on, making it steaming hot. Ever since I was younger, I had always been attracted to hot things. No pun intended, I may be attracted to hot guys (duh) but I didn’t mean it that way. If I was around fire or a stove I would always have an urge to touch it, and be around it. It made me feel… feel safe!

As I waited for the water to heat up more, I went and grabbed some clothes, that weren’t to preppy and bright. I went for a tank-top that was a deep red colour, with blue skinny jeans and a black hoodie. I found my favourite pair of converse that said “This is Not a Shoe” and grabbed them up and placed them on my bed. I dropped my clothes next to them and went to the shower. I undressed and got in.

After around half an hour of showering, and making sure I didn’t get my hair wet at all, I got out and dried myself off. I walked into my bedroom and grabbed some under ware before putting on my clothes. After getting dressed I smiled at myself in the mirror, while checking if any of my hair got wet. Even though it was short, it was still perfectly straight from straightening it last night. Gah! I thought. I have to really get over trying to make everything perfect, if I’m going to change! I shook my head vigorously before putting some makeup on.

Once finished I grabbed my bag and rummaged through it until I found my book. I flipped it open and made sure everything I wanted and needed to do was on the list. When I reached the bottom of the list, I decided on adding one more thing. I grinned like a maniac as I grabbed my pen and wrote.

11. Get piercings!!!

I stopped grinning and gave a small smile before putting my book into my handbag, and skipping to my sister’s room. She wasn’t there. I frowned.

“Mum!” I yelled half way down the stairs. “Where is Becca?” My mum’s head stuck out from around the corner. She smiled at me and shook her head.

“She left around an hour ago darling. It’s 12:00 o’clock! She went to her art class, you should know that. She’s been attending the class for half a year already!” She gave me a stern look before asking, “Why?”

“I needed her to give me a lift to the mall!” I exclaimed. My mum’s eyes almost bulged as she started to laugh.

“What’s so funny!? I burst, I was watching my mum clutch her stomach as she carried on with her laughing fit. I clicked my fingers in front of her face trying to see if she was still there. She slowly started to calm down. After five minutes she had finally stopped laughing and became serious.

“Darling you could just ask to use my car! You got your licence two months ago.” I blinked a few times confused.

“No I didn’t. It has yet to arrive in the mail.” She shook her head.

“I have it. Your license doesn’t get delivered! You get it once you finish your year of being a learner.” She smiled. “When you went to hand in your hours, you were so excited that you dashed out before the lady behind the desk could hand you the licence, so I took it. I was going to give it to you, but I was going to wait until I thought I could trust you a bit. Because when Becca got hers, she was in an accident that week.” My eyes widened at this and out of shock I almost fell over. I used the wall to keep me up.

“YOU DID WHAT!?” I screeched. I looked at her for a moment before getting up and slamming my head against the wall. “Gah I’m an idiot!” I turned to mum who was watching me intently. I quickly thought of something. “Mum, I understand why you did it. And because I need to go to the mall, may I pretty please borrow your wonderful Mercedes?” I gave her puppy dog eyes.

“Didn’t I already say you could?” She grinned and threw me her keys. I grinned like a maniac and ran up to her, and gave her a hug.

“Thank you, thank you, and thank you!” I jumped up and ran outside and unlocked the car. I was about to jump in when I noticed I didn’t have my licence. I turned around just to find my mum with one hand on her hip and the other holding up the licence. I grabbed it and kissed her on the cheek as a thank you.

I got into the car and started up the engine. The car purred to life, and I revved it just to test my mum’s patience. When I looked at her she gave me a stern look but smiled and waved me off. I drove out of the driveway and down the road. The ride to the mall was fun. I had the music on high and was nodding my head to the beat.

Once I got to the mall. I turned the engine off, but kept the keys in the ignition, to keep the radio on. I sat there for a few minutes before removing the keys and getting out. I locked the car before putting the keys away in my bag. I walked my way through the entrance, starting to get nervous that someone would recognise me. I ducked my head down so no one would notice me and recognise my face. But once I noticed that no one was even looking at me. I slowly let my head rise happily, and smiled. No one recognised me. So that meant I wouldn’t be made fun of if someone saw me. They wouldn’t know it was ME, just some random person.

I held my head up as I walked my down through the shops. After about ten minutes of looking around I found the perfect place to go to. Lucky, the place I wanted to go to would actually help me tick of the first two things on my list.

1. Dye my hair any colour
2. Re-style my hair, even though it’s been “cut” already, (fix it)

I casually walked into the Hair Dressers and walked up to the receptionist. The lady behind the large desk had black hair with a pink streak running through random areas. She had multiple piercing on her face, and I was pretty sure she had more by the looks of it. She was rather thin, but wore loose clothing which made her seem larger than she was. I thought, if she maybe took some of the piercings out, and dressed in more stylish clothes, she actually might be pretty. I sighed as she looked at me for a moment, looking me once over, before giving me a fake smile. I returned the gesture and held out my hand for her to shake. She warily took it, probably thinking I’m weird. I rolled my eyes and shook her hand slowly before letting go.

“Hi, I’m Lynn Carters. I would like to book an appointment.” She nodded, filling in my details into the computer.

“What would you like done and when?” She asked in a monotone voice.

“I would like a hair dye and a style cut. Oh and could I have it around now, today. ” She raised an eyebrow.

“Your hair is already styled. Why would you want that?”

“My “friends” did this to my hair. Some areas are too long compared to other areas. I want it fixed.” I explained. Her eyes held recognition and sympathy for a moment, before the turned cold. She nodded and filled the rest in.

“Come this way please, I will be the one to do your hair today.” She got up from where she sat and walked to an empty seat in the area where the TV was. MTV was on, and was blasting away, so that people down twenty shops away could hear. I sat down, waiting patiently as she placed a sheet around me. I leaned into my chair; knowing that today was going to be long, but I was going to do everything on the list today, even if I had to stay until midnight! I will!