Status: ITS DONE!

The Aftermath

Chapter One

"Riley Anne?"


"Mr. Larano is ready for you."

"Okay, thanks."

I walk into the room and look around. I see no one, the door shuts behind me. I stand there for a minute.

"Good afternoon miss. How are you?"

"Fine." I said, a little scared.

"Come, come sit down."

I slowly walked over to a big, red chair and slowly take a seat. The chair on the other side of the desk slowly starts to turn around.

"Hello Riley Anne."

There sat an overly sized man with a fur coat on, smoking a cigar. It looked like an expensive one, but I really couldn't tell.

"Hello Mr......" I had forgotten his name..

I looked at the name tag on his desk it read: "Mr. Larano."


"So how are you today?"

"Fine, you?"

"Oh pretty good. So Riley, why do you want to attend my school?"

"Well, it has been tradition in my family to go to the Honolulu University for a while."I said

"Yes, *sigh* I remember your mother very well...she was quite hot if you ask me."

Ugh I wanted to puke, but I kept myself together.


"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that." He said.

We both sat there for a minute, confused, well I was at least.

"So, back to the reason why you would like to come to my college?"

Well, I really don't know why."

"Well, I have already accepted you into my college."


"Yeah, the minute you walked into my office I told my self she is definitely in, accepted."

"Why did you say that?" I asked.

"Well," He said, "your not like everyone else."

"Well how is that?"

"When you came in you didn't act all snooty and like your all that. That is one thing will get you out of here so fast."

"And yet that is what everyone told me to do." I mumbled.

"I'm glad you didn't listen to them."

"Yeah, me to."

"So, looks like we are all done here."

"I think so."

"So I will have the front lady send you a letter of acceptance to let you know okay?"

"Alrightly." I said with a smile.

"Okay then , looks like you can be on your way then."

"Yes I will."

I quickly ran out the door in a rush. I wanted to get out of there as fast as I could, I do have to say he was a little creepy. I walked out the door with a small smile on my face and walked into the lobby. Miranda, she is the lady at the front desk, smiled at me as I walked out but then and said "Have a nice day." I was in such a big hurry out the door I didn't care if she was laughing at me or not. Caring was the least of my problems right now I was worried for my life, if I was going to make it out of there alive or not. I walked across the parking lot over to my car. I made it to my car, unlocked the door and got inside. I sat down, my head hit the back of the seat and I took a big breath. I was so relieved I got out of there alive. i started to laugh, When i realized that I was alive and here. Ugh, I still have that image in my head of the Dene and my mom.

"Ewwww happy place, happy place, happy place, happy place!!!"

I started up the car and headed home. When I pulled out of the parking lot I passed right by his window I slowly glanced over, I saw him, Ugh he is so nasty.

He looked over about the same time with a huge smile on his face. When I saw him I quickly sped up and left. When I got out on the road I took the long way home, I went down around the beach roads. It is the "scenic" way to my home from, well, anywhere I guess. It goes all the beaches and along the beach side. Its so beautiful, the view at night is so breath taking. So many memories made going for rides along that road. I live on the beach side in a condo, two stories high with a balcony on the top floor, leading out my window. I moved in there right after my parents passed away. They died in a "tragic" car accident, head on collision. The part I don't get is that there were two cars involved and only two victims, my parents. I say it was form of suicide cause of my choice of way. My mom was in one car and my dad was in the other. I say they brought it on themselves. My younger brother moved to the eastern part of the united states, on the coast. We still keep in touch, sometimes, he plays in the NFL, so its kind of hard.

I arrived at my house. I have a balcony in the front and back of it. I got out of the car and walk into my house. My dogs Roxy and Rolly came trotting up to the door. They were always happy to see a human, no matter who it was. I say hi and give them both a short small pat on the head and go get them some treats out of the pantry. I make me some soup and grilled cheese and head up stairs. Roxy and Rolly follow me up stairs as I go into my room. I went out onto the balcony and sit at the table. I had the most perfect view, the beach, the ocean, the waves crashing into the rocks, the sound and smell of the sea was so soothing. I slowly eat my food and share with Roxy and Rolly. I had such an interesting day that the sound of the ocean put me to sleep. Next thing I know I have my dogs attacking my hand. Apparently I had fallen asleep with my sandwich in my hand. They were trying to eat it. I smiled, took what was left of the sandwich, split it in two and gave them both a piece. I got up and went inside, the house was warm compared to the outside air. I glanced over at the clock, it read three forty eight in the morning, gosh that early? I sighed and stumbled into the bathroom and washed my hands, undone my hair, and changed into some more comfortable clothes. Short shorts and a t-shirt. Those clothes were my favorite, they have been through a lot with me and the shirt was given to me from a long lost friend in high school. I haven't talked to him...more so her...I mean whatever you want to call her. I mean she is a girl but she is the guy in the relationship. I started calling her a him for a cover up when I would talk about her around my parents. They never accepted the fact that my friends never ran in a straight line, if you know what mean. they always told me that they weren't the best thing for me and I should hang out with people more "my style" but yet little did they know they are a lot like me, and I'm a lot like them.