Status: ITS DONE!

The Aftermath

Chapter three

"Get up! Get up! Time for class" I slowly rolled over to find Lanna and Manny at my bed side, my two room mates.

"I don't want to." I replied

"Lets go, lets go lets go!" They chanted in unison. "We're gonna be late!"

"Okay okay I'm up I'm up. Hold on." I slowly got up. "Who gave you two sugar." I mumbled.

"The huge vending machines down stairs." They said as they were in front of me jumping up and down. I just rolled my eyes and headed for class. I felt as if I had two three year old kids following me because they were jumping up and down and running all over the place. We got done with all the classes for the day and then I was off to find a job. Not having much luck I went back to campus. this was like a usual for me, class, work finding, then bed, not much change.

Lannas father is like the head of McDonald's so he gave me, Lanna, and Manny a job. It's not much but its still a source of income.

Days and moths went by and finally our first break, Christmas break. Haven't been home in a long time so i was totally looking forward to it. The only time I went home was to feed Roxy and Rolly and that was just a quick in and out because it was on my lunch break. Our last class got out and we all broke for the door. I was so happy to be off for a whole month. There was so much snow on the ground, plus it was such a long drive with dry roads it was going to be even longer covered with snow. All my friends were back home, they were probably getting drenched with rain, me, no I was getting hammered with snow. The whole way home i was debating on calling them or sending them a text. I wanted to see them all so bad. Missing all the days of snowball fights, snow-woman buildings then happily going all Sweeny Todd on them using red Koolaid, good times. After about three hours in the car I finally arrive home. It was getting dark and I was really tiered.

"Home sweet home." I said.

I pulled in the drive way, Roxy and Rolly came running around the corner, I missed them so much. I opened my door and froze my way to the front door. Some of the lights were on in the main room just like i had left it. I walked in and turned on some more lights. Roxy and Rolly darted off through the house, happy to be inside again. I made my way down the dark hallway to the kitchen. I poured me some orange juice and made me a bagel. I got out the dog good and poured them some food in their bowls. Usually they come sliding down the hall when the first piece of kibble hits the bowl, the odd thing is, they didn't.

"Roxy! Rolly! Come here girls! Dinner!" No response. I walked up to my room, they like to get under my bed, sometimes they should get stuck, but they weren't there. I checked allover the house, but they were no where to be found. I started to gt a little bit worried. I checked outside, not there either.

"Hmmm, where could they be?" Last but not least I thought of the den. I walked down the hall and there they were, curled up in two little balls in the center of the room. A smile of relief came across my face. I turned around and started to walk back to the kitchen. I was in a tank top ans short shorts. I felt a breeze of cold air on my back, the first thing that came to my mind was that the dogs had passed me and made the breeze but they weren't in front of me nor were they beside me or behind me.

"Anyone there?" I said, sure they could note the uneasiness n my voice. I walked a little further and it happened again only this time it was warm. I took a deep breath and spun around looking to see if anyone was there. Nothing, absolutely nothing was there. I was starting to get a little scared. I went back to get Roxy and Rolly so I wouldn't feel so alone but they weren't there. I never heard them get up or move because if they did I would have heard their tags jingle. Confused slightly I heard my phone go off, I turned around and headed to the kitchen. Out of no where i saw something from the corner of my eye and around my neck it came. I was on the floor, hand over my mouth and an arm around my neck, I was told not to move or make a sound, I could barley breath I was so scared, heart racing, mind running, short of breath, and starting to shake. Soon three more people dressed in black came around the corner and carried me into the kitchen and sat me down. I started to calm down and catch my breath.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my house?" I asked furious.

"We my friend," they started to laugh a little, "are your worst enemy." The more and more I got them to talk the more interested I got. One of them left and went back down the hallway.

"Where is he going?" I asked.

"He? That my friend is a girl. Matter of fact, we all are girls."

I was confused. She came back with my dogs on leashes and booties on their paws. That would be why I couldn't hear them get up.

"We are so sorry we have to do this, but we have a job to do for a friend of ours."

"Who?" I asked. No answer. I asked again. "Who?!" This time a little louder. They went over and started searching threw all the drawers. They found the knife drawer and chose a knife.

"Why?" I asked "Please don't, I am still to young and have so much to live for!" I shouted.

The one that took me to the ground had the knife and was coming towards me, the rest followed. They circled around me and said one last thing. they came a few inches from my face and said. "Hello Riley....did we scare you?"

I looked into the one that put me to the ground and recognized her eyes. They backed away and removed their masks with huge smiles.

"You look like you just saw a ghost? Are you okay?" They started to laugh. A small smile came across my face. I was so freaking happy they were here but not so happy on their entrance.

"Oh my fucking god!" I screamed "I cant believe it." They untied me and I made my rounds, happy as ever.

"How did you guys get here?! Wait better question, how did you guys get inside?" I asked with a huge smile.

"Slow down, slow down, let us explain."

"Yes you will." I said.

I made some drinks and snack food and they started with their explaining. turns out the one that dropped me to the ground was DJ, Kimmie was the one who went and got my dogs, Melissa and Kesha just kinda assisted them. Kesha is quite small so she climbed threw the doggie door and unlocked the front door for the other to get in.

Supposedly they have been planning this for a long time, saving money like crazy. When they finally got enough they hopped aboard a plane and came down here. I was so happy to see them. We just sat in my living room and chilled, like good old times.

"So where are you guys going for the night? need a place to stay? I'm sure I have enough rooms in this huge house you guys could stay here."

"Umm I really don't know, if we could crash here that would be great." DJ said. "It will be just like old times."

"Okay, but no more ninja stuff, okay? You guys about gave me a heart attack." I said. We all laughed and agreed.

"Alright, well I am going to bed, tomorrow is Friday so we can hit up some parties if you want. Its all up to you guys." They agreed and plans were made. I went to bed and so did they. Looking forward to tomorrow night, we all were.