Status: ITS DONE!

The Aftermath

Chapter Four

"Holy freaking crap! You guys sleep in for like ever! Get up we got things to do today." I said walking into the living room, moaning and groaning soon filled the room when I started taking the blankets away.

"NO....don't take blanky!!! Not yours, mine! Death grip!" Kesha yelled. She was always the one to put up a fight. I think she was still half asleep.

"Well if you guys don't want to get up that's fine with me. Ill just make breakfast then resume my most favorite movie in my room," I paused and started to walk away, a sly smile came across my face as I finished my sentence. "Sweeney Todd."

It was like a fast break down the court to make the championship point to win the million grand prize.

"We're up we're up....can we watch the move!?" Smiles on their faces and messed up hair, all of a sudden very hyper. I turned around to go to my room and get the movie. I put it on the big screen, surround sound TV in the living room. we started watching the movie and eating breakfast, after about the fifth time of watching it and singing every song. I said since it was noon going on one that we all needed to get up and go shopping for tonight unless they brought some clothes. When they all shook their heads we went shopping. Reliving the past, making memories for the future. I kept on thinking it was all to good to be true. Them here, me too, together after so many years, it was .like a dream. store after store, bag after bag. Laughing giggling, having fun. I mean after all these years we kinda deserved it. We a;; got a little something by the time we got done it was five thirty, and it was time to hit the club. We went back to my house to change. we finally got to the club at like six forty five. Partied, danced, drank, ya know all the good stuff. we all got mostly wasted. I do believe DJ was the most sober one there. We all had a lot to drink. We decided to stumble our way to the car and go home. I made my way to the drivers door and went to get in but I couldn't. Something was holding me back.

"I'm sorry Riley, I'm not going to let you drive home. Your to wasted." DJ said. Everyone else was already passed out in the car.

"But this in my car. I drive, not you...silly." I was slurring my words really bad.

"I know this is your car but you can ride shot gun if you want." DJ said.

"AHHHHHH! Shotgun!" I took off running down the road. DJ caught me in no time. I couldn't run it was more of a step, step, stumble, step, step, stumble, step, step, stumble, sign, wall, step, stumble, car, ground. DJ shook her head and laughed a little.

"Gosh Riley, come on, whether you are drunk or not you are still having trouble walking." DJ said.

She tried to pull me back to the car and I didn't want to.

"Can I drive....please?" I fell to the ground.

"No Riley, you are riding side seat." She said.

"NO!" I yelled. "I am going to drive or walk." I said. "Which one?"

There was no answer. I turned around and started to walk.

"Riley!" She shouted. "You wanna drive a yellow, faster car?"

I turned around to face her. "Ummm yes yes! I do where is it?"

"Hold on let me go and get it." She called a cab service to come and pick me up. She told them i was drunk off my ass and to just to along with it, the driver agreed. It came and she told me it was a special car and that you can drive from the back seat. I was drunk so I didn't know the difference. She paid him and he took off threw the town. DJ took the short cut to my house, the cab driver took the long way.

I was so freaking wasted I didn't know where he was taking me so I freaked out.

Screaming throwing punches, kicking or at least trying to, anything I could do to get him to stop. He kept saying something about gas. I didn't get it like always.

I looked out my window and saw a bright light heading our way. I jumped over to the window and started to turn my head sideways in a curious way. There wasn't just one there was two. Then in the midst of their journey, we started to slow down to an almost complete stop and a sound of a horn came. As drunk and confused as I was I just sat there and stared blankly into the two lights while it all happened. The lights, closer, the horn, louder, splitting headache, real strong, me still drunk off my ass and totally confused.

Cold, wet but yet a little warm. Black top hard feeling but yet a little more comfortable. Bodies mangled, lying on the ground. Spit spat spit spat, comes liquid from the sky. In my eyes everything was red, dizzy, confused, I couldn't feel anything. Pain not there, looking at my body you couldn't tell what was what. Things were everywhere, bodies on bodies flashing light were everywhere.

the rest of the gang drove up the driveway to my house. DJ took Kesha, Melissa, and Kimmie into the house and put them to bed. Hours and hours passed and she was getting worried. Pacing back and forth she dialed my cell phone again and again, no answer. She then galled the cab service.

"Hello this is the White Bunny cab service, how may I help you?" Said the voice on the phone.

"Um yeah, *sigh* my friend took a cab home and she isn't home yet. Do you have any way you can get a hold of the cab driver?" She asked.

"Um, none of the cabs are out." She said. "They all have checked in. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I'll try her phone again." she said. "Thanks."

She hung up the phone and tried my cell phone again. No answer, that was it, she was done, she wrote a not telling the others that she was going to find Riley. She headed for the door. Inches away from the handle a slight ringing noise came from the phone, she froze.