Status: ITS DONE!

The Aftermath

Chapter Five

"Hello?" DJ picked up the phone.

"Yes, is this the Daniels residence?"

"Yes, why?..."

"I have some bad news." DJ froze. "Riley Anne has been in a car accident. She is at the local hospital, if you would like to come down here, her only request is that her family knows."

She felt like she couldn't breathe.

"Yes....I'll be right there." She slowly said, she dropped the phone and slid down the wall to the floor. Kimmie got up and stumbled her way down the hall.

"Are you okay?" She asked "I have a splitting headache."

DJ stared blankly into the wall.

"Whats wrong? I heard a big bang." she said.

"Guess what....I puked! I feel much better now." Kimmie said. When she puked she emptied her stomach and got most of the alcohol out. DJ slowly got up and grabbed her stuff.

"Kimmie go back to bed....and don't go anywhere."

"But why?"

"Just do it. I'll be back later." She said. "I am going to go for a drive." She opened the door and she was gone. Kimmie was confused but she went back to bed anyways. DJ went out to the car and made her way to the hospital.

"Hello, I will be right with you." Said lady at the front desk. Looking around the waiting room seeing tears and fear everywhere. She returned to the front desk.

"What room is Riley Anne Daniels in?" DJ asked.

"Well let me look here. looks like third floor, room five forty one." She replied.

"Thank you." DJ replied and headed toward the elevator.

"404, 502, 515, 534, next row 540 next door, 541." She mumbled as she went down the long white hallways. Right below the room number 541 it read 'Riley Anne' in writing, 'MIC Patient.' slightly confused she walked in. There stood a doctor and nurse. They each were on one side of Riley's bed.

"And you are?" Asked the doctor

"I'm DJ, her friend." She said.

"Oh..." He looked depressed.

"What is it? What happened?" She asked, frantic. The doctor took her to the hall, the nurse stayed behind.

"what is it?" she asked, now very concerned.

"Her blood is very thin. She lost a lot of blood in the accident also." He said.

"The reason her blood is thin is because of the fact she was drinking, right?"

"That and because of her lack of nutrition. She is a college student right?"

"Yes, why? What does that have to do with anything?"

"The fact that she is new to the college life nutrition doesn't stay up and good like it should. We put her down as a MIC Patient." Said the doctor.

"What does MIC stand for again?" DJ asked.

"Medical Induced Coma." He said. "The reason for that is because she has thin blood and if she was awake she wouldn't be very good. She would be on the edge." He said.

"Is she going to be okay?" DJ asked.

"She should be but it all depends on when she wakes up."

"Can I see her?"

"Yes but she is basically a huge band-aide."

"It's okay."

"Well I will be just right out side the door if you need anything okay?"

"Mmhmm, thanks." She said

She slowly walked into the room and went Riley's bedside.She stood there and stared at her. She kept saying she was sorry. Sorry for everything, sorry for what happened, everything. She stood there for a little longer then walked out, not saying a word.

She returned back home to find Melissa, Kesha, and Kimmie playing Uno Attack in the middle of the floor in the living room. She walked in the door and into the kitchen, Kimmie say were first.

"DJ!" She yelled and jumped up. "Where did you go?" She didn't reply. Kesha jumped up next and Melissa followed.

"Whats wrong?" Kesha asked curiously. She walked between them and went to to couch. They all sat down beside her. DJ just stared blankly at the wall.

"I cant believe it, shes there, shes in the hospital." DJ said.

"Who?" Asked Melissa.

"...Riley..she got in an accident on her way home, she is in the hospital." She said.

"What?!" How? When? This cant be?! Can it?" they all asked in almost unison.

"Yeah, there isn't much we can do till morning, we can go and visit her in the morning but we need to get some rest and a little bit more sober."

"But...but..but..." They said.

"No but's get to bed, we all need our sleep." DJ said. She looked at them with a serious look, then it soon turned into a smile. She grabbed them all and walked to the bedroom, but on Sweeney Todd, and hit the sack.