The Weird, New, Strange, Animal Obsessed Kid... Me.

First Four Years I Remember

I'm flying, flying, falling, faliing and then a strong PUSH from behind sends me soaring again. I'm in a swing, laughing my tiny little head off. We're at a park I've loved forever since that day. My Daddy is pushing me and Mom is taking pictures. Then, we go home and eat dinner. Spaghetti.
Skip. I'm watching my mother's tummy in wonder, we're sitting on her bed in my old house in Missouri, playing with puzzles. "What's in there?" I ask. I poke it. "Your baby brother." I look up at my mom in wonder and say, "Why'd you eat him?" My mom sighs and puts another peice down on the puzzle. "I didn't eat him, Allysa, he's growing in there." I ponder this and go, "Where do babies come from?" My mom gets up and walks out of the room, saying, "That's another conversation for another day." I get up and follow her. "What does converstation mean?" "Conversation. It's talk." I nod my head and follow her around. This later annoys her and she puts me down for a nap.
Skip. My baby brother is finally born. He doesn't look like my baby doll. He's fat and has black hair just like i used to have. "Mommy, why is Travis so fat?" Mom turns around laughing. "He needs to be fat for a little while." "Ohhhhh, ok. Can we go to the park?" Mom walks back into the kitchen and warms up my brother's bottle. "No, Travis needs to have his bottle and then you both need to take a nap." I stretch my face out in horror, a nap?! "NO! I'm not gonna take a nap." My mom rolls her eyes, she''s been through this every day since i turned three. Basically, what happens is, I stay awake for five, ten minutes and then Mom brings in warm chocolate milk. I drink it all from my sippy cup and fall asleep for three to four hours. "You know you will, Allysa." I cross my little arms and give in. Mommy always wins. "Fine, but that doesn't mean i get to like it." Mom chuckles. "Of course not." Predictably, mom feeds Travis and we're both set down for a nap. Travis falls asleep... I don't. I grab my bunny, (That was a little smaller than i was) and walk into the kitchen. I've been a master at sneaking around for years now, since that time. I pull out a pot (we still have it too) and i sit down in it. That's right. I was so small that I could fit into our medium sized pot. Then, i picked up my bunny, got out a wooden spoon and pretended that i was the ruler of a world of ducks and chickens. Soon, my mom heard me playing and got out our camera. She took a picture of three-year-old me in a pot with my bunny and a wooden spoon. Then, she picks me up and i get to stay up from my nap! I get to watch The Lion King on the big silver box in our living room. "Mommy, what does the big boxy thing over there do?" I asked. (This was my first time watching television) "It let's you watch stuff." She says. She puts the video tape in the VCR. (Yeah, we still had one, even though DVD players were the biggest thing. I didn't even know anything else exsisted) Then i watched as colorful images filled the screen. I was stupified, which my mom had counted on because it kept me quiet. "Mommy," I asked when the movie was over. "Why is Scar so mean?" This stupified my mother. "He's just jealous of his brother." I go, "Why?" Mom is still stupified, she can't figure out what to say. "I don't know." She finally says. Then, i go, "Oh, ok." And then go on my merry way. The next few hours are blank, but i remember that night. Mom is with me on my bed, reading me a bedtime story. Come on, you know you wanted one too. And the book is, The Chick and the Duckling. (We still have it) Mom says, "Allysa, i'm so tired. Do you wanna read tonight?" She knows full well that i can't read, but Mom read the whole book to me so many times that i knew it by heart. I read it, though and i read it happily. "Mommy, i'm reading." I said. I didn't scream or jump up and down, or act all excited, i was in awe. "Yeah you are, Allysa. Now i'm going to go and get your milk and then you're going to sleep." Mom got off my golden barred day-bed and got my milk and favorite sippy cup with little kitties on it. I drink it and stay up a little bit, shaking my stomach and wondering why it sloshes around.
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Ok... i lied... i'm tired and i'm bored with making this for now, so... you can read it later!!!! ALL OF THIS REALLY HAPPENED!!!!