Status: inactive.

I Never Told a Lie, and That Makes Me a Liar


Next week Monday morning I got up bright and early to go to the mall with Mhiles to pick out some boy clothes to begin my transformation. There was no way I was going to borrow any from Ryan, especially when he smells as bad as he does. He calls it the “manly scent”; I call it plain not showering. After getting dressed in a denim rumper with a black Glamour Kills cardigan over it and black flats, I packed up my tote bag and head off to the mall.

As I walked outside to my car, my brother’s best friend Jacob Bombarno’s Jeep pulled up to the curb outside of my house. Ryan and Jacob got out of the car and I waved to them.

“What are you guys doing up?” I asked walking over to them.

“We needed McDonalds breakfast,” Ryan answered.

I rolled my eyes; of course he would only get up this early for food.

“Hey Riley,” Jacob smiled.

“Hey,” I replied.

Jacob has been Ryan’s best friend for as long as I had been friends with Mhiles. We all used to hang out but haven’t done it much anymore, ever since Jacob and I broke up. Since then, things weren’t the same anymore.

“So where are you off to?” Ryan asked as we walked over to my Jetta. “Mall, remember Mhiles’s ridiculous plan?” I reminded him as I open the driver’s side door.

“Oh yeahhh,” he said rolling his eyes.

When Mhiles and I told Ryan and Jacob his plan they couldn’t stop laughing, I knew it sounded absurd but it was our last resort. And as insane as the plan was, they both agreed with helping us out. Well, only after I mentioned to Ryan all the black mail I had on him, so Ryan mailed out my application to PCA that day and I found out a few days later I had been accepted. Mhiles joked around the only reason why Jacob was helping was to get in my pants; he was probably right on that one.

“We’ll join you,” Jacob offered, opening the back door on the driver’s side and sat inside.

“We will?” Ryan asked raising an eyebrow.

“Sure, why not?” Jacob replied and shut the car door.

Ryan and I exchanged looks and rolled our eyes. Not only did Ryan and I share the same blonde hair and hazel eyes, we sometimes tend to share the same thoughts on certain things, and it was one of those times. We both were thinking, “Oh, Jacob.”

Ryan climbed in the back of the car next to Jacob and I drove us all to pick up Mhiles. I chauffeured us all to the mall where we were ready to start our mission to find the best things for my boy alter ego. Mhiles was more in the lead of picking out my clothes over Ryan and Jacob who had just tagged around for the hell of it. They had no real interest in really participating in the mission.

We stopped in Pac Sun, American Apparel, Volcom and H&M, and Mhiles picked out vnecks, cardigans, skinny jeans, plaid shirts and more. When were finally done I had all the necessary clothes for being a boy. Next came the problem of me having my long hair…and boobs.

Ryan and Mhiles dropped Jacob and me off at the house so I could start packing for my departure next week and they could go to the costume shop to pick up my wig. After packing for awhile, Jacob and I sat in my room flipping through the channels on the television for something for us to watch as we waited for Mhiles and Ryan to finally return. I laid on my stomach, stretched out on my bed, my arms hanging off the end of my bed, the remote in my left hand. Jacob was sitting on the floor, leaning against my bed; he nervously played with the fibers on the carpet.

Things were so different since Jacob and I broke up. We were one of those couples who were on and off all the time. During our sophomore and junior year we had broke up and gotten back together numerous of times and after awhile no one was surprised when either happened. I couldn’t tell you the truth if I had strong feelings for Jacob anymore and I bet you neither could he. In the beginning we both really liked each other and I think after awhile that died and we only got back together for the sake of dating someone and being able to make out with them, which was the most we did when we went out nowadays. I don’t think I had been on an actual date with him since sophomore year when we first started going out.

Jacob cleared his throat, breaking the silence between us, “So you’re really leaving for PCA?”
I nodded, “Mhmm.”

“You know, I wish you were staying home. I was hoping to get back together this year.”

I rolled my eyes but he didn’t see me. Jacob always wanted to get back together and I always wanted to break up.

I sighed, “Jacob you know it won’t work out, it never does. We have at least a month or two before we start fighting again and then we break up, every time.”

I changed my position on my bed and sat up.

“But those two months are always the best,” he explained, moving from the floor next to me.
“Jacob…” I groaned.

“Come on,” he said softly, placing his hand on my naked thigh, leaning closer.

I let Jacob kiss me. It wasn’t a big deal; I wasn’t feeling anything towards him anymore so it didn’t matter. I didn’t kiss back and eventually Jacob got the message and stopped. He was about to say something else but thankfully Mhiles and Ryan arrived just then. The stood at my bedroom door with a plastic bag with the logo of the costume shop printed on the front of the bag.

“We picked up your wig!” Mhiles exclaimed.

“Along with sideburns,” Ryan chuckled.

“Sweet,” I grinned, getting off the bed. “Let’s see it!”

I sat down in my desk chair and pulled my hair back into a tight ponytail to put the wig on. After Mhiles secured the wig on my head, I set up the sideburns and looked in the mirror.

“So what do you guys think?” I turned to the boys.

Ryan laughed, “You sorta look like me, I mean… wait a minute – “

“She looks like you with make-up on and boobs?” Jacob laughed, “Is there something you forgot to tell me?”

Ryan pushed Jacob, “Shut up.”

“Calm down, we’re not done,” Mhiles beamed. “Don’t worry when I’m done with you, you’re gonna be a whole new man.”
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riley's mall outfit