All Is Fair in Love and War

"Boys gone Wild"

Gabes P.O.V

The morning after our little stunt I felt pretty guilty about everything and as soon as I spotted Natalie and her friends I walked up to her and recited the speech I had written in my mind. I tapped Natalies shoulder.

"Hey," I said when she turned around "look I just want to apoligize for what happened last night I was just angry about what you guys did to my sister and I just wanted some pay-back I really didn't mean anything by it. Honest."

Natalie smiled "Thank you for apoligizing Gabriel, and we feel really bad for what we did to Lila. Could you ever forgive us?" she said a sweet innocent smile on her face.

"Yeah. Yeah no problem thanks for forgiving me. I felt really guilty about what we did." I said a huge smile spreading on my face.

"Great well see ya' around." she said smiling and walking away with Lacey and Hanna trailing after her.

'Maybe her and her crew weren't all that bad after all. All we had to do was give them a chance' I thought as I made my way to first period.


After third period gym the guys and I slipped back into the change room, laughing and whipping eachother with towels. Lucas looked like he was having a blast, even though he was still pretty pissed off that I apoligized to Natalie and her friends, since he's decided to date my sister. I told him if he wanted the relationship to last he would get over it. He agreed faster than I thought he would.

The guys and I got out of the shower at the same time like we usually did. As I slipped on my boxer-briefs the fire bell rang and the coach ran in pushing us all out yelling about how he wasn't warned about no fire drill and that it was the real thing. We tried to grab more clothes but he pushed us all out the gym doors and it was to late. We were expossed to the world. In. Our. Underwear.

I couldn't believe this was happening but then I noticed that Jeremy didn't even have clothes on all he had was a towel wrapped loosly around his waist, and then I saw them with their cameras, snapping pictures like there was no tomorrow. Hanna, Lacey and Natalie. Those little bitches probably pulled the fire alarm for pay-back.

When the coach finally let us go back into the school we all ran to the steaming hot change room since it was starting to get cooler in our wonderful city we were freezing our asses off.


That night while I was studying, Lila called me into her room, turns out Natalies little group put those pictures all over facebook and called them "Boys Gone Wild".

I was trying to figure out how to get those bitches back after I told the guys what Lila showed me when the thought hit me.

"Obviously just ruining a few dresses isn't stopping them from being stupid." I said a wicked smile gracing my features. Theo being my bright, best friend caught on quickly.

"I think it's time we ruin a few more reputations boys." he said chuckling.

Soon after we all joined in. I was enjoying my mischief quite a bit as my mind protested greatly it kept going on about how whatever I planed to do would ruin every chance I have.

At this I laughed harder.

Reputation is a thing one would hate to lose and since she is higher then me on the social status I don't really care. I then thought take that you damned voices.
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O.O whats gonna happen hmmm..... dunno
now it's serena's turn ^^