Two Hearts for One

Emily Carter and Jessica Bruins gave been practically sisters since childhood. They're close, very very close, until a certain boy enters their lives. His name is Blake Perro. He's the bad boy, someone Emily and Jessica never thought they would both like. But when they do, things start to ruin their friendship. Will their friendship survive, or will it fall apart for one single boy?
  1. Catch a Glimpse
  2. A Continued Conflict
    The story goes on...
  3. Beware of the New Kid
    Jelously is dangerous
  4. A New Family Around
    Emily finds out there are new neighbors and Jesse is hanging with them.
  5. Guilty, but Not Too Guilty
    Maybe this boy isn't the best thing that happened....
  6. Busted
  7. Tears and Betrayal
  8. An Apology Given and Rejected
  9. Late for Science, Late for Another Chance
  10. A Couple Secrets, A Couple Break-Ups
  11. An Uncontrollable Furor
    Emily is dead mad, and Jessica's responsible. :)
  12. As the Days go By, So Does the Anger
    Have the two simmered down thier anger?
  13. A Letter to Jessica, and a Tear From Emily
    Things are coming to an end.
  14. Snowy Farewell
    Bye Bye Jessica! We'll all miss you!