Status: Might be awhile till I update

Oh How I Hate 'The Chosen One'

Meeting and Fighting with 'The Chosen One'

"If you paid any attention in you history class you would know what a Oriyn is you idiot". I was way beyond pissed how dare he I am not a pure blood, I have nothing against them, but my father was human and my mother was a witch."Oh I'm sorry then please explain what and Oriyn is"."If you must know and Oriyn is one of the most powerfullest witches in the world more powerful than me or Volodemort put together" Dumbledore replied back before I could answer. "Oh, than why don't you have her go and defeat Voldermort?" Harry asked stupidly."Because, it isn't my destiny you do-fuss" I answered quickly before Dumbledore could. I swear I don't think Dumbledore wants Harry to live if he has me watching his back."Look Dumbledore I'm tired so I'm going to head to my room and get some shut eye" I said and then walked right out the door and into my dorm.
~~~Harry's P.O.V~~~
When is Dumbledore going to get here. I really want to get away from Mrs.Weasly's watchful eye. Its giving me the creeps its like she thinks I'm going to make a run for it.SWOOSH."Ahhh Harry I've found the person I needed to help us watch your back, but I hate to say they aren't exactly one of your biggest fans though"."That's OK I'm fine as long as there a good wizard"."Oh they are just give me a minuet I have to Talk to Molly". After he said that he walked past me and into the dinning area and shut the door. I walked towards the door and listened in as best as I could. All I heard ,though, was something about an Oriyn. What is the Oriyn?"Harry, are you ready we need to get going" "Yes Dumbledore, I'm ready". And at that we left to go to Hogwarts.SWOOSH."Ah, Blake its good to see that your here to greet us" "Yes because I'm oh so thrilled to be here to help watch over the oh so special 'Chosen One' "this girl answered sarcastically "And who are you" I asked rudely "I'm Blake Mosley" "Professor when you told me you found someone to help watch my back I didn't know you were talking about a girl"."Well Harr-" "This Girl is an Oriyn" she said before Dumbledore could finish what he was saying "Oh and better yet she's a pure blood"."If you were listening my last name is Mosley". and the fight begins.
"If you paid any attention in you history class you would know what a Oriyn is you idiot". She was way beyond pissed."Oh I'm sorry then please explain what and Oriyn is"."If you must know and Oriyn is one of the most powerfullest witches in the world more powerful than me or Voldermort put together" Dumbledore replied back before she could answer. "Oh, than why don't you have her go and defeat Voldermort?"I asked."Because, it isn't my destiny you do-fuss" she answered quickly before Dumbledore could."Look Dumbledore I'm tired so I'm going to head to my room and get some shut eye" She said and then walked right out the door."Dumbledore why did you get such a bitch to help me?" I asked "Because, Harry, she is very powerful and we want her on our side not Voldermort" he stated simply and then left. So I just walked out of his office and went down the hall to the Gryffindor common room.
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sorry if it sucks and that its short