Status: Update when 'we' can

Wicked Violet


*Jenny Hayes* interview,

"What can I say about the Evermore sisters mmmmmmmmmm, There beautiful, intimidating, smart all around wonderful girls."

*Dee-Dee Jones* interview,

"Oh, the Evermore sisters, UGH! They like act all *smack smack* mysetious so they like get the boys to notice them, act like they own the god damn school, there like *smack smack* soo ugly yet pretty they like know everything *smack* smack*."

*Kenny Peters* interview,

"Somethings off about them, really."

*Ginger Simmons* interview,

"I heard that they do weed! but thats just a rumor....... that I..oh never mind."

*Katrina Peters* interview,

" The blonde's really nice, but I just don't get them and I get people really easily, like REALLY easy, but I just don't know."

*Farrah Seamon* interview,

"Them!! there like bugs! here one minute and then another the next there like everywhere! I hate them!....... no let me rehase I HATE THE EVERMORE SISTERS!! sumthins up with them its easy to see that! Where ever they walk boys are like eyes zeroed glue to there butts.!!"

There you have it people. Thats what some people think about the Evermore sisters.
♠ ♠ ♠
I just thought of this and had to do it as the first chapter! The *smack smack* is that she's chewing gum. these characters mainly probably won't be in the story. New story me and my friends made up well mostly me but......... yeah!! Haha!! :)
Comments?? If you like so far?
