Southern Belle

Chapter 14

“What are you doing here?” asked Edward, he instinctively pushed Bella behind him and I didn’t blame him on that front, I would have done the same thing.

“Always so hostile” said Aro in a calm voice that seemed out of place with the air as thick as it was with anxiety. “We just came to see Bella, though I must admit we expected her to be in a more…durable state.” The look Edward gave Aro was almost as threatening as the one he gave me. Almost.

“It’s in the works” said Edward through clenched teeth.

“Good, now who are you five?” He pointed to my family and I and I thanked whatever god was listening that Ariel answered.

“We’re friends of the Cullens” she said and Aro tilted his head to the side as if he was trying to understand what she was saying.

“Let me see your hand” he ordered suddenly and Ariel held out her hand without so much as a moment of hesitation.

“I like her Edward” said Marcus. “She actually follows orders” I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing at Edward’s expression; it was a mix between confusion and just plain anger.

“So do I” said Aro as he took Ariel’s hand and closed his eyes. Time seemed to stop as they stood there and when Aro finally released her, the whole room seemed to let out the breath it had been holding.

“What was that about?” I whispered just loud enough for Jasper to hear me.

“Aro can read every thought you’ve ever had by just touching your hand.” He whispered back, but unfortunately he’s not nearly as sneaky as I am and Aro’s attention immediately turned to us.

“You must be Lydia” he held out his hand but I didn’t shake it. I’m not that stupid.

“Yep, that’s me. You properly heard all about me in Ariel’s mind, since her thoughts revolve around me.” I never said I was modest.

“No, we have been interested in you for quite some time. You have a very strange ability. You know I have been hoping to get the chance to meet you just to see that ability in action. Would you mind giving a demonstration?” I would mind but you don’t turn down Aro, scratch that you don’t turn down anyone that can kill you, Aro just happens to fall into this category.

“Sure” I said hesitantly “do you have a cell phone?” I, being someone who should have really been born blonde did not realize that this guy is like a million years old and wouldn’t have a cell phone. This is just one of those hand to forehead moments.

“No” he answered. “I have found no need for one.”

“Alright Jasper, give me your phone” I ordered. He raised one eyebrow in my direction and I could almost hear what he was thinking.

“Just hand it over” When he continue to give me the “you’re crazy look” I stuck my hand in the pocket of jeans to find nothing but air.

“Hey!” he said as I reached into the other pocket. “Well Hello” What? The guy had on some tight jeans and I may or may not have had to work that cell phone out of his pocket.

“Here’s Jasper’s” I held out the phone and Aro took it. I made sure that no physical contact was made however since I like my thoughts in my head…and Bill’s.

"She took my phone" mouthed Jazz over his shoulder to Edward. "Snatched it!" He is so lucky he’s cute.

“Anyway” I said ignoring Jasper’s moment of idiocy. “That is a cell phone” Better stick to the basics with the old guy.

“I gathered” said Aro, his red eyes shinning in amusement.

“When you hear it ring, you open it” I’m a terrible person and can proudly say I will never change. “Then put the phone up to your ear and just enjoy the awesomeness that is Lydia.”

“Understood” he said sarcastically and I seriously rethought my behavior, ah well it’s too late to take it back now.

The thought barely came to my mind before the phone chimed in Aro’s hand. He cautiously opened it and held it up to his ear before giving me the largest smile I had ever seen.

“Amazing” he said in awe “Is there anyway from them to hear?” He motioned to the people surrounding us and I smiled.

“Of course” I carefully took the phone from him and put it on speaker.

“My name is Edward Cullen and I want to sing you a song. This is the song that never ends, never ends, never ends. This is the song that never ends and this is how it goes.” The imitation of Edward’s voice was perfect and even a trained ear wouldn’t have been able to tell the difference. Sadly before the song could continue Edward tackled me to the ground and ripped the phone from my hands before slamming it shut and throwing it across the room.

“How dare you” he hissed. There was the same hatred in his eyes that I had seen before but this time there was so much more to it. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that he could have killed me right then if Felix hadn’t physically lifted him off of me.

Jasper immediately hugged me against his body while Emmett and Felix held Edward Back as he tried to launch himself at me.

“It seems you cause just as much commotion as our little Bella.” Said Caius. “And I was just about to ask how your two families get along with the feeding difference.”

“I’m a peacemaker” I explained “everyone loves me…except Bill, he’s a little eccentric.” See, I’m a nice person. I could have called him crazy.

“Whose Bill?” asked Aro.

“That’s me” hissed Edward and he once again lunged forward.

“Knock it off” said Emmett. “You’re just making an ass of yourself” I guess Edward didn’t have a problem with that because he continued to try to break free of his captors.

“Jasper calm him” I ordered “and Bella, take him outside.” Jasper nodded and after Edward seemed to relax Bella escorted him outside.

“See” I said pointing to the door Edward and Bella had walked through “peacemaker.”