Southern Belle

Chapter 15

“Well this meeting has made a turn for the worst” said Aro. “I feel it is now time to take our leave.” He was just about to turn around, I swear to all that is Jasper he was, but then Marcus had to say something. You’ll find out why I’m upset in about a minute.

“Aro” said Marcus. “Have you forgotten that this family has denied our wishes concerning the young Bella’s human state?” I told you he had to say something, but that didn’t bother me, keep reading.

“No Marcus” he answered “I have not, but I see the point you are trying to make. We can not leave them to their own devices while dealing with such an issue. Alice, darling, would you mind staying behind in order to make sure our wishes are carried out?” That’s what got me. I don’t care what Aro says, she is not staying around my Jasper. I will kick her simply because she annoys me. You know I would.

“I’d be honored” said Alice as she glared at me. At me! She can’t read minds, she shouldn’t know that I hate her! Not yet at least.

“Excellent, we must now leave. Goodbye Lydia Cole; and I hope our paths cross once again in the near future” said Aro as he turned and led everyone out of my house. Who thinks she’s awesome because Aro only said goodbye to her? Me. Who’s also scarred as crud? Me.

“I hope you don’t mind me asking” said Alice the moment the door closed behind Jane. “But what are you doing with her, Jazzy?” Let me at her, Let me at her, I will rip her head off. She does not get use his nickname. Yes, I am the nickname moderator if you must know.

Jasper must have sensed my need to kill the midget because he immediately hugged me tighter and rested his chin on my head. It would have been cute and romantic if I hadn’t been thinking of a hundred different ways to escape his grasp in order to get to Alice.

“He doesn’t have to answer you” said Rosalie “you left him remember?” Rosalie had the same look on her face that I had which meant at least two people in this room wanted to kill Alice. You know what that means? The odds are in our favor. Charge!

I should really stop drinking blood from people with high blood sugar because it’s starting to get to me.

“Fine” snapped Alice “But Aro did say I had to stay here so Jazz just got his roommate back” she is so stupid. Alright so she has to stay at the Cullen house, and her old room just happened to have been shared with Jasper. If she shut her trap and thought about it for a second she would have gotten the same conclusion Jasper and I did.

“You can have the room” said Jasper “I’ve been over here every night helping Lydia anyway.” I was tempted to do my happy dance which makes everyone laugh and stare at me like I’m from the planet Krypton and I just lifted a bus above my head. It is that cool.

“Yes, and as much as I would love to get to know you” I managed to smile through my lie. “Get out of my house.” I can’t control everything but I can control who I hang out with and I would not spend time with her. I knew from the moment she spoke that she wanted Jasper for herself and I will not let her have him. This is war.

“Alright” she said “Edward at least will be happy I’m back.” Of course he would, she’s a bitch and he’s an ass. They are made to get along.

“Just shut up and leave” said Roxy. Yes, three people are now on my team. We can totally take her.

“Whatever” she huffed and stomped her way out of my house. She was even more dramatic than Alan and I can honestly say I never thought that would happen.

“What the hell is her problem?” asked Lester “is everybody in your family crazy?” He really shouldn’t be talking, especially since he still had his make-up on and his hair was sticking up in all directions.

“Hey” I said “Alice and Alan are the only crazy ones. The rest of them are cool, except Emmett.” Maybe you haven’t realized this about me yet, but I like to make fun of my friends. That’s why I don’t have many friends.

“You are an evil little person” said Emmett as his eyes narrowed in my direction. “Why must you be so cruel?” That’s like asking a fish why it swims, it’s just who I am.

“Cause its fun” I said as if it were obvious. Which it is, even if you’re not evil you should be aware of that.

Emmett’s jaw dropped open and he just stared at me like he wasn’t expecting that answer to come out of my mouth. He’s known me for a week he should have caught on by now.

“Come on” said Rosalie as she took him by the arm “Let’s go make sure Alice doesn’t eat Bella”

“But-but-she-she-uh-it’s fun?” stuttered Emmett as Rosalie dragged him out the front door. I felt kind of sorry for pushing him right off the deep end.

“Hey, Jasper” said Ricky “how in the world did that happen?” He motioned to where Emmett and Rosalie had disappeared. “They just don’t seem compatible” Hey, the loser has a point.

“Yes, explain to us this mystery, master Jasper” I said as I tilted my head back to stare at him upside down.

“That’s disturbing” he said and he stepped around me so that I no longer had to look behind me in order to see him.

“Uh-huh” said Ariel “now are you going to answer the question?” Jasper looked at me, then at my family, and then back at me before shrugging and giving the simplest, most awesome, and possibly amazing answer ever.

“Opposites attract”