Southern Belle

Chapter 16

“Lydia go out with me this weekend” said Jasper and pulled me into his house. It had been a few days since the unfortunate Alice incident. You remember; the one where I wanted to rip her head off but Jasper held me back? I really wish he hadn’t done that. Anyway, this was the first time I had been to the Cullen house since then and I was on the look out for evil-demon-pixies.

“Sure” I said hesitantly “as long as it’s not something incredibly boring, then we’re cool.” Boring is a dangerous word for someone like me. It can destroy the world. Yeah, I know, I really have to feed.

The moment Jasper wrapped me in a hug, Edward appeared beside me. Damn, apparently I’m not the only one with ninja-like abilities.

“George” I said as I put my arms in front of me in order to block whatever attack that was surely about to come my way. “Back the hell up.” He was right in my face and I’m not afraid to slap him.

“You know what” he sighed “I don’t even care” he wrapped his arms around me and lifted me straight off the ground. I can honestly say that my life flashed before my eyes. Goodbye Jasper, I shall miss you.

“Edward, I haven’t told her yet.” Hissed Jasper “you’re freaking her out” Thankfully someone noticed since I was totally incapable of speech. It surprised me too, I never thought this day would come.

“Sorry” Edward apologized as he placed me back on my feet “Let me know when you spill the news.” He skipped out of the room and I made sure to file the memory away as a possible youtube upload.

“What in the world was that?” I asked. Just yesterday at school he told me to fall into a volcano and die and now he’s hugging me and skipping around like some type of fairy.

“I wanted to wait until our date to tell you” said Jasper “but Bella accepted Edward’s proposal about an hour ago.” My jaw dropped. Bella, the girl that a few days ago told me she was afraid of that kind of commitment, agreed to get married?

“That explains why George isn’t evil, and what’s going on with this date? You’re scaring me Jaspy.” That last sentence was not random at all. Just so you know.

“Wow. First, thank you. I purposely try to scare you. Second, you have shut your face and follow me.” He went out the front door which if you remember, I just came in like five seconds ago, and I followed him. I mean come on! When someone tells you to shut your face you follow them, it’s the rule of life.

“Hey” I said as I caught up to him, we were currently walking through the forest and I wondered why we couldn’t have taken his car. “You are aware that I didn’t get to tell Bella congratulations right?” I think of the little human as a friend and it’s very uncool that Jasper didn’t give me enough time to make fun of her about her current situation. Two words; ball and chain.

“She’s at her house trying to comfort her dad about the announcement anyway” he said as if it were nothing. “She’ll be over later so you can talk to her.” I take his word on that but only because it’s Jazz.

“Alright, but where are you taking me?” We were in the middle of nowhere and I was afraid that Jasper had truly lost his mind. Finally we’re at the same level mentally.

He didn’t say anything and just kept walking. I hate it when people ignore me and I’m pretty sure he knew that, this means he’s finally crossed over to the dark side. I’m so proud.

“If you won’t talk to me then I’m going to start telling you every boyfriend I’ve had since you left.” Jasper raised one eyebrow in my direction but continued to play the quiet game.

“Cool. Well, first I dated this one guy Andrew, he was cute but it didn’t really work out. Then I dated a few people but I don’t even remember their names. And after that-“

“Shut up!” He screamed “Who in their right mind would think that telling the person you’re currently dating about the other guys you’ve dated is a good thing!” I really didn’t think that it was good thing to begin with, I just figured he’d at least talk to me.

“That’s just it” I answered “I’m not in my right mind” You’d think he understood that by now. I mean, I’m crazy.

“Just-huh-ga- we’re here” he said. Awe, look who’s all flustered by a completely true statement.

I took a quick survey of the area we were currently standing in and I can say without a doubt that I was more confused than I had been in a long time.

“Jasper, I love you. I truly do, but there is nothing here” I said. Okay, maybe there were a few trees, a patch of grass, but that’s about it.

“Lydia” he said as he took my shoulders and turned me to face a different direction. “It’s right there.” I was looking at a shaded area with a blue blanket laid on the ground and a picnic basket.

“Jazz, we don’t eat.” I whispered as if it were a giant secret. “A picnic holds no interest for us.” I might have been only concerned for his mental health a few minutes ago, but now I’m trying to remember the number to that insane asylum upstate.

“Just sit down and enjoy” he ordered and I did what he asked. I’m not about to argue with him, there’s only so many times I can annoy him before he pops my head off like I’m some kind of Barbie. Plus I really wanted to know what was going on and figured listening to him would give me the information sooner.

“I’m sitting now show me what I’m supposed to enjoy” I said as he sat down beside me and pulled the basket into his lap.

“As you know, I’m awesome” he said. Now I wouldn’t go that far but there was no need to pop his bubble right now. I’ll do that later. “And I know you haven’t feed in a while so-“ he pulled out a two liter bottle filled with blood and I had to clasp my hands together in order to keep from jumping him to get to it.

“I’ve never loved you more than I do right now, but if you don’t hand that over I will kill you.” I said without taking my eyes off of the bottle in his hands.