Southern Belle

Chapter 17

“Alright, just don’t bite me” said Jasper as he slowly handed me the bottle. I wasted no time twisting off the cap and taking a huge gulp.

“That’s good” I practically moaned “where did you get human blood?” He had told me about his family’s vegetarian life style and I’m pretty sure killing humans for your girlfriend doesn’t abide by that.

“Blood bank” he answered “since I’m a vampire and can control emotions, taking a few bags is like taking candy from a sleeping baby.” Now the only question that ran through my mind is when he had time to do this since I’ve spent everyday with him, but didn’t ask it because I didn’t feel the answer would be one that I really wanted to know.

“I could kiss you right now, but I don’t want to tempt you” It’s like eating a chocolate bar and kissing someone that was trying to lose weight. Just not right.

“Oh please” he said as he took the bottle from my hands and raised it to his lips before taking a long swig. “You don’t honestly believe I can live off animal blood alone do you?” The sad thing is, I did.

“Kind of” I said “I mean, you have the gold eyes and everything so I figured you followed in your family’s example.” He hadn’t ever actually confirmed my suspicions, maybe if I had actually asked, he would have.

“They think so too” he said with a huge smile on his face. “It’s as simple as a pair of contacts.” That is so awesomely evil that if I could, I would have teared up a little bit.

“Why would you lie to them like that?” I asked. I totally understand the need to keep it a secret since he was the only one that fed that way but the Cullens seemed like the kind of people that would understand.

“It wasn’t my decision to start the lifestyle to begin with and when I stopped I just couldn’t tell them. I trust you won’t tell them either.” He said skeptically.

“Of course not” I promised and grabbed the bottle from him for another sip. “But if they ask me directly I’m not going to lie” George scares me and I pity the person that lies to him and doesn’t get away with it.

“I wouldn’t ask that of you” he said and the smirk that plastered itself on his face warned me that something weird and/or crazy was about to come out of his mouth.

“How thankful are you for that blood?” I didn’t see where he was going with this and like the idiot I become whenever Jasper’s around, I answered him.

“Very, why do you ask?” I just took another drink, totally oblivious as to what he was thinking. That was my mistake.

“Because I think I deserve a kiss for my services.” There it is, the boy mind we all knew was under the poofy blonde hair, rears it’s head.

“I don’t know” I said dramatically. “It was only one bottle” We all know I like to mess with people, why would now be any different?

“Yes, but it was a big bottle” he pointed out. “I could have filled up a water bottle and given it to you, but no, I brought you the big two litter bottle so that you wouldn’t have to hunt for a while. I am the sweetest boyfriend in existence and you don’t even care. I feel so under-“ I had to kiss him in order to get him to shut his mouth. I knew he was smart but wasn’t aware how smart until that moment. He can work the annoying angle and for that I must respect him.

“Thank you” I said once I pulled away. “I think we have a really good system working here, you bring me blood and I indulge your male self with physical contact. The only problem is that if you analyze that last sentence, I sound like a hooker that works for blood.” Reread it if you don’t believe me. Go ahead, I’ll wait.

“Well, here’s a change of subject since I know anything I say about that can and will be held against for as long as I shall live. Do you want to come over to my house, because this dirt is starting to freak me out” He looked around as if the dirt itself was listening in on our conversation.

“Jazz, I went to your house and stayed for five seconds, went on this ‘date’ which if we leave now only lasted-“ I looked down at my watch “seven and a half minutes. Do you really want to leave?” He looked deep in thought before answering.

“Yep. I want to go back to my house and hang out over there. The outdoors was not made for people.” He said and I shook my head in amusement. I’ve said it once and I’m about to say it again. The boy is lucky he’s cute.

“You know what?” I said as I stood up “sure. We can go to your house, hang out in your room, but if I see Alice. I will kill her.” That possibility was the only reason I was giving in. She is my new George.

“Keep talking like that you’re not going to see anything but my room” His eyes brightened a little and it hit me that he really wasn’t joking.

“Does the thought of me getting into a fight with your old girlfriend turn you on?” I asked smirking slightly at the distressed look on his face.

“Little bit” he whispered as he leaned away from me. I could have fun with that piece of information.

“Really” I said stepping closer “you haven’t even heard the best part. I’m going to tackle her to the ground, rip her into a thousand little pieces, soak them in gasoline, and throw a lit match on top of the pile.” A small whimper floated out from between his parted lips and before I had a chance to say anything he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

“You” he said as he started running in what I guessed was the direction of the house “are in so much trouble.” I heard the door open and saw the inside of the house go by in a blur.

“I’m so scared” I said sarcastically before I was tossed onto a big plushy bed.
“You should be” said Jasper has he came down on top of me. There was a hunger in his eyes and it didn’t surprise me at all when he bent his head down and covered my lips with his.
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This is basically all filler