Southern Belle

Chapter 18

Someone moaned into the kiss, but I was too far gone to decipher who it had come from. I knew that if a member of Jasper's family had walked through that unlocked door they would get quite a show, with Jasper on top of me and both of us locked together by the mouth, but I couldn’t seem to will myself to care.

“Guys” Edward knocked on Jasper’s door and it did absolutely nothing to distract us. “Jasper, devil spawn, please stop” he begged. “You’re thoughts are really starting to get to me.” He is so nosey, I mean two people can’t even make-out on a bed without some random weirdo listening in on to what thoughts are going through your mind. What has the world come to?

“Go away, Ben” I said around Jasper’s lips. “We’re kind of busy. Go find Bella to play with.” What’s the point of having a girlfriend if you can’t complain to her about the crazy people making out down the hall?

“Bella’s busy and I’m trying to write but can’t do that with your disgusting mental images floating through my mind.” He is such a whiner. Have you noticed that because I sure have, and where is his good attitude that he had a little while ago? I liked that side of Edward.

“Then go outside and write” said Jasper “just leave us alone” He started to kiss me harder and I wasn’t about to complain.

“Do you want me to come in there and forcefully pull you two apart?” Now that made us pause for a second. Or rather that made Jasper stop and I was forced to follow in example.

“Edward leave the kids alone” came Carlisle’s voice followed by a very loud smack. I smiled before dragging Jazz back down. Ben got slapped, life is good.

There was series of whispers from behind the door but they were too low for me to make out, but when the door knob started to turn I knew it was time to come up for air.
“Really?” asked Carlisle as he popped his head into the room. We were still in the same position but at least now the indecent lip contact had stopped. “It’s noon, come out and socialize. You wait till the sun sets for that in this house.”

“Fine” sighed Jazzy as he rolled off of me and held out his hand. I smiled and took it so he could help me up. See, Jasper is classy. Ben would have never thought of that.

“I’ll get you later, Ben” I spat as Jasper and I walked out of his room. Does he really have to annoy me on this level?

“Yes, I do” said Edward and I narrowed my eyes in his direction.

“Don’t answer my mental questions.” I said “Or I will be forced to upload all of the embarrassing pictures and videos that I have of you.” I can and will do it, readers you know I would.

“You know blackmail’s illegal right?” came a voice from behind me and I slowly turned my head to face the demon-pixie herself. I couldn’t control the snarl that was ripped from my mouth and my behavior only granted me the honor of being restrained by an annoyed Carlisle. I couldn’t even enjoy the look on his face since SHE was there.

“Oh my gosh, Jasper” said Alice in a way that made me want to rip her face off. I’m normally not a violent person. I promise. “She must be rabid.”

“Let me at her!” I yelled and tried desperately to get away from my captor.

“Alice, what are you doing here?” asked Carlisle as he struggled to hold on to me. What? I wasn’t about to make it easy on him. He’s just trying to prevent the inevitable.

“Don’t get your lab coat in a bunch” she said “I’m leaving tomorrow just like I said I would” She turned to Jasper and smiled. “And I hope you’ll come with me Jaspy” Alice traced his jaw with her finger tips and that was the last straw. I elbowed Carlisle in the side, just hard enough to have him release me and lunged for her.

“Don’t touch him” I snarled as I tackled her to the ground. “You left, and he’s mine now!”
Yes, I am a tad possessive if you must know.

“He’ll never be yours because he still loves me.” She rolled us over so she was on top of me and snapping in my face. I took one of her arms which was to the left of my head and managed to rip her off me.

“You’re lying” I screamed “tell her Jasper” He didn’t meet my gaze and I swear I could feel my heart shatter.

“Fine” I said releasing my hold on Alice “I’m going home. When you have an answer for me you can come over.” I had never ran as fast as I did when I left that house. I was home within seconds and didn’t even bother with using the front door and simply climbed through my bedroom window in order to keep from having to face my family.

I slumped to the floor of my room and curled into a ball, tearless sobs tearing there selves from my chest.

“Liddie, what’s wrong?” asked Ariel as her and Roxy barged into my room.

“J-Jasper” I stuttered and tucked myself into a tighter sphere.

“I’ll kill him” said Lester from the doorway. I didn’t know he had been standing there and that just seemed to scream how out of it I really was.

“D-don’t” I whispered but he was already gone, along with Ricky who had been standing behind him.

“Sweetie, you have to tell us what happened” Roxy pulled my head into her lap and started to stroke my hair. Normally I would have slapped her hand away but I didn’t have the heart to do so.

“I-I don’t know” I said “One minute we’re fine. More than fine really, then he basically admits he still has feelings for Alice. It happened so fast.” It didn’t even make sense to my own ears, and after rethinking the whole day through it just deepened my confusion. So he plans a date for me, takes me back to his room and kisses me unlike anyone else had, and then fails to deny his feelings for the evil one? It didn’t add up.

“Did you listen to what he had to say or did you run away?”asked Ariel. I hate it when she gets all mature on me and that goes double for when I’m really upset.

“I ran away” I said “but he didn’t try to stop me”