Southern Belle

Chapter 2

“So you five are from where?” asked the woman behind the desk. Damn, I knew I forgot something when I decided to go back to school. Teachers are annoying.

“Um” I turned to Ariel who just shrugged. She was no help. “Texas” I said truthfully. I’m a terrible liar and sticking close to the truth was the only way I managed it.

She eyed me suspiciously for a moment before typing something on her computer. “Your names aren’t in the system” she raised one silver eyebrow and I knew she was going to be trouble.

“Really?” I asked dramatically. “Well we should be in there, can I ask you to check again?” I moved my hand over the top of the computer faster than her human eyes could see and uploaded the needed information.

“Alright, but it’s not there” she mumbled as she once again looked at the screen in front of her.

“You should have done that do begin with” whispered Ariel so only I could hear her. “We could have been done with this already.”

“I know” I whispered. “Sorry,” believe it or not but my first instinct isn’t to use my powers. I’d much rather talk my way out of a situation.

“Oh, here it is” said the woman. “I wonder how I missed that?” She looked up at us and I had to fight the urge to laugh. Ariel on the other seemed totally at ease and only smiled like the sweet princess she pretended to be.

“It’s easy to skip over us” she said and the woman behind the desk looked anything but convinced.

“Okay, here are your new schedules” she took the papers that were just now starting to come out of the printer. “I take it your brothers and sister will be here soon?”

“Yes, they’re not as excited as we are and think dragging their feet is going to make it easier on them.” I tried to give her a convincing smile but she wasn’t fooled.

“Uh-huh, just make sure they’re here on time.” She slid the schedules across the desk and I took them before making a hasty retreat.

“She hates us” I said laughing once we were safely out of hearing distance. “I mean she really hates us. I don’t think I’ve ever been hated.” I’ve been greatly disliked, but never hated.

“It was bound to happen” said Ariel as she took the stack of papers from my hand and started sorting through them in order to find hers. “Your Liddieness is a required taste.” She did have a point there.

“So when do you think the others are going to get here?” I asked after she handed me my schedule and I stuffed it in my pocket.

“Right about now” she said as Lester, Roxy, and Ricky walked around the corner.

“That’s some creepy timing.” If I hadn’t said anything they properly wouldn’t have even been here yet.

“Yep” she agreed nodding.

“Hello my love!” said Lester as he threw his hands into the air dramatically. “I have come and look, I bring gifts” he motioned toward Roxy and Ricky who were giving him a look that seemed to translate what I was feeling. Lester is an idiot.

“Awe, Leslie, I love ‘em” I wrapped the twins in a hug, ignoring their struggles to break free of my grip.

“What did I tell you about calling me Leslie?” asked Lester after I released the squirming duo. “It’s not even my real name.” This is why I call him Leslie, he gets all testy and bothered. If he didn’t have this reaction to it I’d properly wouldn’t do it.

“Hey it’s funny” said Ariel. “And it’s either that or us dying your hair pink again.” Lester shivered at the memory of his pink ‘do that we had given him.

“Actually I think I’m starting to like the name Leslie.”

“Oh I’m totally not going to post that on the school’s website” said Ricky. Lester glared at him and before I had the chance to warn them to behave, Ricky and Lester were rolling around on the ground trying to beat each other to a pulp.

“Hey” said Roxy as she pulled her twin off the floor. “Calm down.” Roxy can get really scary when she’s mad and I pity the person that would dare cross her.

“I’m calm” said Ricky as he broke free of his sister. “Damn Lester, was that really necessary?”

“Yes it was, you’re always opening that big mouth of yours and it’s about time someone shut it for you.” Lester stood up and glared at Ricky.

“Wow, there’s a lot of testosterone in this hallway” I said. “Lester, you know Ricky was kidding. And Ricky, Lester has a point, just shut up.” I don’t know what I said that they found funny but the moment those words left my lips they were laughing so hard that I thought they had lost their minds.

“Boys are idiots” Roxy, Ariel, and I said at the same time.

“Hey!” Lester and Ricky screeched after they had sobered up. “Are not!”

“Uh-huh, yeah, sure” said Ariel as she handed them their schedules. “Whatever you have to tell yourself.” She held out the last piece of paper to Roxy who was taking a deep breath in order to keep from laughing at the looks on the boys’ faces.

“We don’t have to take this” said Ricky. “We’re going to class. Come on Lester” They both turned and marched off in the other direction.

“Finally!” I sighed once they had rounded the corner. “I feel like a mom whenever they’re around.” Roxy and Ariel nodded in agreement.
“Oh my god” said Roxy as her eyes widened to the size of saucers. “Ricky has my book bag.” She turned and ran off to find and most likely kill her older twin.

“I’m slightly concerned by the lack of intelligence” I whispered as I placed my head on Ariel’s shoulder.
“Me too” she said patting me on the head to tell me to move it, which I did. “But then again they make us look like geniuses.” Once again, Ariel had a point.