Southern Belle

Chapter 24

“Run or car?” I asked myself as I stood in front of the car rental counter. “Car means speed limit. Running means going as fast as I want.” I decided to ditch the idea of a car and just run the distance to Volterra. It seemed like the best idea and plus I’d see more of the country. I’m just kidding, I did it because it faster.

The Rome international airport was incredibly packed. I couldn’t even walk five feet before running into someone . This made my trip to the front entrance take twice as long but when I stepped outside and took in a good lung full of fresh air I felt like myself once again.

Since the outside of the airport was almost as crowded as the inside I had to run at an average human’s speed until I was away from most human activity. There were still a few cars going by when I decided to speed up but I wasn’t worried about it. Who in their right minds would believe them?

Now, I could spend the rest of this chapter telling you about what I saw on my little run but I don’t think that would be very entertaining so I’m going to skip forward a little.

~20 miles outside Volterra~

I was thirsty. Actually, I was severely dehydrated and I could feel myself slowing down and an intense pain in my head told me that some unfortunate soul would have to be my next meal, since vampires weren’t allowed to feed inside the city walls. Put your eye balls back in your head, I know, I remembered something informational.

The only problem with my feeding plan was that I was quite literally in the middle of no-where. There were no gas stations, no motels; I hadn’t even seen a car for miles. That may be an issue.

I did the only thing I could do, I slowed to a walk and hoped and prayed that someone would stop or that I’d come across a misplaced shopping center.

Of course, ten minutes later I was still walking and starting to get pretty annoyed that my hoping and praying had yet to work. I was just moments away from giving up and just putting off my nutritional needs until later, when I saw quite possibly the most beautiful thing ever.

On the left side of the street, right in front of me there was a motorcycle turned on it’s side with a very angry boy yelling and screaming in it’s direction. It’s nice to see someone else that believes inanimate objects can and will hate you for no good reason. I always thought I was the only one that believed that.

“You need some help?” I asked as I got closer. The boy stopped his tirade and looked up at me with a smile on his face. Oh, this just got a lot harder. He’s cute.

“Sure” he said “Can you help me stand her up?” he looked a little ashamed by his lack of upper body strength, but anyone who owns a motorcycle will tell you, they are very heavy.

“Yeah, here” I gripped the underside of the bike and helped him set it up, being careful not to accidently throw the vehicle across the street. That’s really happened to me and let me tell you now, it was not good.

“Thanks, what are doing out here?”He asked as he wiped his hands on his jeans. “Not that I don’t mind the help.” Normally I don’t like to talk with my food but it’d been awhile since I had human interaction and I really needed to hear my own voice.

“I’m heading to Volterra” I answered “You?” His eyes widened a little when I told him where I was going but he spoke nonetheless.

“My family has a farm up the road. If you wouldn’t mind walking with me I could get the truck and drive you to the city. “ I thought that was the sweetest thing ever.

“Sure you lead the way” I said and jumped over the bike to stand beside him. The guy nodded and started walking in the direction that the motorcycle was pointed in.

“So, what’s your name?” he asked after a few minutes of complete silence.

“Lydia” I answered “how about you? Or do you want me to just call you the nameless stranger?” I would and could do that so I was a little disappointed when he answered.

“I’m Chris” he said and the weird thing is he actually looked like a Chris. Unlike Edward who seemed to have been given the wrong name at birth. If he wasn’t so mean to me then I might actually feel sorry for the guy.

“Okay, Chris. How much farther is this farm of yours?” I could already see it in the distance but the average human would still be in the dark as to where we were going.

“Another twenty minutes or so” he said. I nodded and looked down at the ground I was walking over. That’s when I had an idea.

“Ow!” I screamed as I threw myself on the ground.

“What’s wrong?” Chris immediately knelt down and looked down at my ankle which I had my hands wrapped around.

“My ankle” I lied “I think I twisted it” A nice guy will always help a girl in need. Remember that readers, it may come in handy later in life.

“Here, let me take a look” he removed my hands and moved my ankle around, I had to remember to grit my teeth together in order to make it seem like I was really in pain.

“It doesn’t seem like anything’s broken” he looked up at me and smiled “why don’t you try to stand-“I cut him off by taking his head between my hands and giving a hard turn to the right.

His body slumped against me and I turned his head to the side before sinking my teeth into his neck.