Southern Belle

Chapter 26

“What brings you here without prior notification?” asked Caius. He gave me a look that really made me feel like an artery. Get it? He’s a vampire. Keep up people.

“I came to request a service” I answered honestly without taking my eyes off Jasper. He didn’t even seem to be aware of what was going on and it really pissed me off that I was the only one that noticed.

“What service would be important enough to travel here?” asked Marcus as Aro stood up and walked over to me.

“She has come to ask for death” he said and I was struck with this one question. How in the world did he know? I didn’t touch him.

“Yes” I confirmed. Now this is where my plan started to go down hill. You didn’t actually expect this to be easy did you? Anyway, Jasper was supposed to snap out of his trance but sadly he remained the mindless zombie he had been since I walked in.

“This must be discussed” said Aro and he walked back to his throne and sat down. “Who has objections to this?” he asked and both Marcus and Caius along with Felix and Jane raised a single finger.

“Aro” said Marcus “The girl is valuable to us. Her gift may prove to be of great assistance if she were to join us.” I was slowly starting to become more comfortable since it seemed as though they wouldn’t kill me.

“Also” said Caius “she does lead her own coven. You are aware that covens are too valuable to risk by killing their leader.” Aro nodded his head slowly to show that he understood.

“Felix, Jane, what have you to say concerning this issue?” asked Aro and Jane stepped forward a little bit before answering.

“She’s the vain of Edward’s existence which means she’s okay in my book” she said and I was truly tempted to scream, shot, and clap loudly, though that didn’t seem like a good idea since my life was kind of on the line at the moment.

“And I feel her charm is something that should not be wasted” said Felix. See? People love me, it’s just Edward that has a problem.

“I shall take your feelings into consideration” said Aro as he stood up once again and started walking around the room.

“Do tell me if I am wrong, Lydia” he said as he moved behind me “but I take it that you have asked this service of us due to the departure of our own Jasper Hale?” Jazz’s eyes cleared a little and his gaze traveled in our direction. The trance wasn’t broken, but it was weakened.

“Yes” I answered. “I no longer have the will to live” Nothing happened. Jasper remained in his current state and I was practically vibrating with frustration. I know you aren’t aware of this but I really don’t want to die.

“Alice” said Aro “you have perfected your gift, yes?” Anything having to do with the she-devil made me very uncomfortable. This was no exception.

“Of course” she answered and smiled when Aro held his hand out. Apparently she knew what that meant but I was so confused a pressure was starting to build up behind my left eye.

Alice confidently took Aro’s hand and closed her eyes. I don’t know what happened and I really don’t want to know, but after a few minutes Alice and Aro broke apart as if nothing had happened.

“Thank you for the insight, Alice” said Aro as he walked back over to stand in front of me.

“My pleasure” she said. I suddenly had a really bad feeling about this. If Alice was happy about something concerning me then you know something’s wrong.

“Lydia Cole” said Aro in a way that made he shudder. What? The guy is creepy. “I have decided to grant your request for death.” My jaw dropped, I mean it practically hit the floor.

“What?” I asked hoping to the gods above me that I had heard him wrong. It was a long shot but I needed a little hope.

“Did I not make myself clear? I have granted your request” he repeated. Damn, my hearing was perfect, but then again that’s what I was afraid of.

I immediately looked over to Jasper but felt myself sink even lower when I saw he his condition hadn’t changed in the slightest. This wasn’t supposed to happen, I had a plan. A good plan too, you all heard it.

“Excuse me” I said walking away from Aro and moving across the room to Jasper. “What is wrong with you?” I asked the motionless flesh dummy that was masquerading as my wonderfully amazing Jasper. “Wake up”

“Get away from him” snapped Alice as she grabbed my wrist and tried to pull me away from Jasper. I wasn’t go anywhere, Mack trucks couldn’t move me at this point. “You broke up with him.” She just had to bring that up.

“Jasper Whitlock” I said sternly as I ripped my arm away from Alice. “You’re stronger that this, the Jasper I knew would never be controlled by some evil she-devil demon thing” another hand wrapped around my wrist, this one was colder, softer, more gentle. Definitely not Alice.

“We do not have time for you to investigate your mind’s illusions” said Aro. “There are others that need to be seen to.” I slowly turned to look at him and he widened his eyes before taking a giant step back. “I’ll give you some more time”

I gave him the most cheerful smile I could give in my current situation and turned to grab Jazz’s shoulders.

“Listen to me” I shook him a few time to make sure everything I said would have some kind of effect on him. “Jazz, I love you. And that means that I’ll stand her and scream at you and shake you until you talk to me. Got that” Nothing happened. He just continued to look right through me and I knew it was time to break out the big guns. I slapped him.

“Ow!” screamed Jasper as he moved his jaw from left to right. “Damn, Liddie” He immediately froze and looked around the room like a caged mouse. “Where are we?” I didn’t answer his question and just hugged him like it was the last thing I would ever do. Since it properly would be.