Southern Belle

Chapter 27

“It is time” said Aro sternly. I released Jasper and turned to him, hoping that my sharp tongue could get me out of just one more jam.

“About that” I said smiling sweetly “I changed my mind, I found the will to live again” and he was standing right behind me.

“What’s going on?” asked Jasper. He was looking between myself and Aro as if he didn’t know who to back up.

“You have been standing right there the entire time” said Marcus “Are you so dense that you can not remember that Ms. Cole has asked for death?” Jasper nearly fell over and if I hadn’t been there to catch him then he would have.

“You can’t kill her” said Jasper sternly. “If you do then you’ll have to kill both of us because I’m not loosing her again.” He wrapped his arms tightly, protectively, around me. “I can’t” he added and a small smile played at my lips at the look on Alice’s face.

“Please tell me I’m not the only one confused” said Alec “What’s going on?” Aro glared at him and he didn’t way anything else but I knew his words had done their job.

“Yes, I too am quite interested as to what is happening here” said Aro as he looked between Alice, Jasper, and myself. “Does someone care to explain?”

“Alice can control minds” I said before the she-devil could speak and make me look bad. My head was already on the line –literally- the last thing I needed was for her to open her big mouth.

“She forced Jasper to come here, and me asking for you to kill me was part of plan to release him. As you can see, it was an epic failure.” Nothing happened like it was supposed to and I can honestly say this was the first time something I planned had gone wrong.

“Indeed” said Caius. “But are these accusations correct, young Alice?” She gave me a cold look but softened it before setting her sights on Aro.

“Of course not!” she exclaimed “you’ve read my mind, you know she’s lying.” I had the overwhelming urge to kick her and if I wasn’t standing in front of the most powerful people in the vampire world, then I would have.

“Give me your hand” Aro ordered me and I slowly held it out. Before he touched me I felt a slight buzz in the back of my head and when I looked at Alice I saw that she had a look of pure concentration on her face. I knew she was trying to gain access to my mind and using the little knowledge I knew of vampiric powers I managed to build a type of wall to keep her out and only weakened it somewhat when Aro’s hand gripped mine.

Memories and thoughts started streaming through my mind and the only thing I could see was my life going by on some type of movie reel. I felt myself fall backwards but was caught by Jasper before I hit the ground.

“You have an interesting mind, Lydia Cole” said Aro once I was sitting on the marble floor. My legs felt like rubber and I knew it was a bad idea to try to stand up.

“That’s what Kevin said” I answered. I smiled a little at how easy it was to go back to calling Edward by random names. It was natural, right.

“More interesting still” said Aro, ignoring my comment. “Was not only did I see the what you had explained, but I also felt another presence of the edge of your conscious.” He turned to Alice.

“You have lied to me” he said and Alice’s eyes grew to twice their normal size. “Punishment shall be carried out” He turned away and Demetri and Felix both grabbed one of Alice’s arms.
“No!” she cried “She’s done this! She’s the liar!” Her captors dragged her out of the room when Aro simply waved his hand to the side. “No!” she screamed “I’ll get you for this Lydia Cole, I swear I’ll get y-“ Suddenly there was nothing but silence and I was overwhelmed with sadness.

They killed her, and I didn’t get to help.

“I am sorry for her actions” said Aro. “Some do not live with honor” I was a little more relieved now that he was apologizing to us but he still hadn’t told me I was safe. Jasper must have thought of that too.

“Is she free to go?” he asked and Aro’s brow furrowed for a moment before he answered.

“Of course, we all do things in the pursuit of love” he gave me a look that said more than a thousand words “just don’t let it happen again” No need to worry there. I won’t even step foot in this country again.

“Cool” I said as I stood up “since I’m not about to die, can you please just use one contraction in a sentence” I know I’m not the only one who noticed that he never uses them.

“Tell Bella congratulations and that we’ll be in touch soon” he said with a smile on his face. I didn’t know what he meant by that but it was good to know that wasn’t as stuck up as he seemed.

“Can I tell you something?” I asked so only he and Jasper could hear me.

“Of course” he said jokingly “not that it would matter if I said yes or no anyway. You would say it whatever the answer.” It’s amazing how people know me so well.

“You’re my favorite” I whispered and both he and Jasper smiled appreciatively.

“As are you, Lydia Cole” he said “As are you.” With that Jazz and I left the room out the main door that Felix had brought me in through and I felt like I was walking on air. I had my life, my family, and my Jasper once again.