Southern Belle

Chapter 28

“So what happened to me?” asked Jasper as the plane leveled off and we were now aloud to unbuckle our seatbelts.

“I couldn’t tell you” I answered honestly. “I thought we were fine and then you basically admitted you still loved Alice. A few hours later you were Hell bent on leaving for Italy.” He looked down at his lap as if he was trying to process everything that I had told him.

“I remember talking to you in your bedroom” he said softly “but it’s weird. I don’t know how I got there and it was like there was someone telling me what to do and say.” I couldn’t explain that one. Alice wasn’t with him, she wasn’t controlling him.

“Alice could only control you when you were with her, so I have no idea what was going on with you in my room. All I know is that you broke my heart.” He looked up at me and I saw that my last sentence had hurt him more then he could ever say.

“I’m so sorry” He whispered as he cupped my face with his hands. “I would never hurt you on purpose” I tried to look down but he tilted my face up so I was forced to look at him. “You know that right?”

“Yeah, I know that” I said and I kissed him so softly I just barely felt it. “I love you, Jasper Whitlock Hale, and that never changed, and never will.”

“Good” He joked. “I’d hate to have to lock you in my room to remind you.” I laughed and removed his hands as the stewardess walked by.

“Why Mr. Hale” I said in my southern accent that was completely natural to me “You know I’ve never even been in man’s bedroom” I gave him my famous doe eyes that could melt any heart and he chuckled.

“Bullshit” he countered. “My momma warned me about girls like you. They tempt fine young men into betraying the word of God.” I started laughing so hard that several passengers looked my way and the stewardess that had passed by earlier came to kneel by my seat.

“Are you alright, miss?” she asked and I just started to laugh even harder.

“She’s fine” said Jasper “Just remind me never tell her a joke again.” The woman nodded before returning to the back of the plane and I slowly came back to reality.

“Better?” asked Jasper once I had pulled myself together.

“Much” I said and my phone rang. I know you’re not supposed to talk on them when you’re on a plane but when have I ever done what I’m supposed to?

“Hello?” I asked. I hadn’t checked the caller ID and that was my fault. I told you, I should have been born a blonde.

“Liddie” came Bella’s voice from across the other line. She sounded small and fragile and I immediately went into fierce protector mode.

“I here” I promised. Something was wrong and I needed to make sure she was okay.

“Who is it?” asked Jasper. He must have seen my face and known something was up. Thank the good lord my boyfriend was perceptive.

“Bella” I said and raised my hand to tell him to be quiet.

“Lydia are you two almost home?” she asked and I nodded before remembering that she couldn’t see me.

“Yeah, we’ll be landing in about twelve hours” I told her and she sighed as if she had been holding her breath. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing” she said and there was no way I was about to believe her. “Edward and I just came home early and have something to tell the family, we just want to wait until everyone’s here.” They were only on their honeymoon for two days? Something was definitely wrong.

“Bella, I know Kevin didn’t turn you because you would still be unconscious, but are you hurt. Did that son of a bitch hurt you?” Jasper looked at me questioningly but I was too worked up over the fact Edward may have hurt poor human Bella, to reassure him.

“No” she answered quickly “he didn’t hurt me. I’ll tell you when you get here, bye” The phone went dead and I shoved in my pocket.

“What’s going on?” asked Jasper. He was looking at me with a questioning look on his face and I remembered that he wasn’t here when Bella and Edward got married and had no idea why her calling me now, was a big deal.

“Kevin and Bella got married when you were away and they just got back weeks early from their honeymoon. Bells said she had something to say to the family and she wanted to wait until we were all there.” Even saying everything put loud did little to help me figure this out and normally that puts everything in perception for me.

“Really?” asked Jasper with a huge smile on his face. Apparently he got it and was going to bug me until I did too.

“Yeah” I said “I didn’t stutter” his smile on grew and it was really getting on my nerves. “Are you going to take pity on me and just tell me or are you going to make me figure it out?” I asked even though I already knew the answer.

“What do you think?” he asked rhetorically and I sighed before leaning back against the seat and starting to reanalyze the information I had. It only took me a few seconds until I bolted upright and stared at Jasper with my mouth wide open.

“Mini-me’s pregnant” I said and he shook his head in agreement. “But that means she had sex before the wedding” I gasped. “She told me she didn’t. I’m going to turn her myself just so I can hit her without feeling guilty.”

“Oh, like this” he asked as he hit me playfully upside the head.

“Yes, like that” I hit him back and we laughed at our own stupidity before settling down for the rest of the flight.