Southern Belle

Chapter 29

“You little slut!” exclaimed Jasper and I as we walked in the Cullen’s kitchen the next day. We had just gotten off the plane a few minutes ago and ran like our lives depended on it in order to get here as soon as possible.

“Hey, that’s my wife” growled Edward as he stood up from the table to face us. Everyone was here including my family and if Jasper and I didn’t have a script we were trying to stick to then I would have asked them about that. They weren’t family, neither was I but then again I’m awesome.

“What’s going on here?” asked Carlisle. He too had stood up, but I think it had more to do with his son coming home then the crazy person calling his daughter in law a slut.

“Lydia and I have a theory about Bella’s news but we want to here it come from her.” Siad Jasper.Everyone turned to Bella and she looked like she was about to pass out.

“We’re waiting” I said harshly. I had to bite my lip to keep my lip to keep from laughing but I delivered the line flawlessly.

“I’m pregnant” she whispered. Jasper and I marched over to her and glared down at both her and Edward before wrapping the duo into a hug.

“We know!” we screeched and the whole room became very quiet.

“What? You don’t think that we’d actually call Bella a slut without having a whole sick plan to go along with it, do?” I asked. Everyone relaxed and I gave Bella a quick hug before taking one of the two empty seats around the table.

“We were bored on the plane so we made that up” explained Jasper as he sat down beside me.

"You both have a sick sense of humor" growled Edward and Jasper and I just smiled the idiots we are.

"And you say it like that's bad thing" I said and he rolled his eyes before placing his head in his hands.

“First of all, welcome back Jasper” said Esme as she gave Jasper and I a look that reminded us that not everyone thinks we're as cute as we think we are. “Secondly, what do you mean you’re pregnant?” She turned to Bella and the poor girl looked sick again.

“We don’t know how it happened but we’re having a baby” said Edward. He pulled Bella against him and I gained a little respect for the guy. Just a little.

“What’s going to happen now?” asked Lester “I mean, I’ve never heard of this happening but I’m guessing it can’t be good.” He had a point. A half vampire baby inside of a human mother just screamed problems.

“We’ll just have to take it one step at a time” said Rosalie. She reached across the table and took Bella’s hand with her own. “But this is a good thing” I was glade at least someone thought to say that but mentally kicked myself since I hadn’t.

“There’s nothing we can do now” said Carlisle. “Though Jasper and Lydia ARE here now.” That’s all he said before Emmett leapt across the table and tackled us to the ground.

“I was so worried about you two” he said as he squeezed the life out of us. “What happened to Alice?” Apparently my family had filled the Cullen’s in on the whole demon pixie mind control thing.

“Let us up and we’ll answer everyone’s questions” said Jasper and Emmett immediately went back to his seat. Once freed Jasper and I once again claimed our chairs and looked around the table of questioning looks.

“Bring them on” I said and Ariel was the first one to ask a question.

“Like Emmett asked, what happened to Alice?” she asked and I smiled at the pleasant memory.

“She was killed for lying straight to Aro’s face” I answered there was only a moment of awkward silence before Edward spoke up.

“Do you remember anything about what she did to you?” he asked Jazz. I had already asked that on the way over and knew the answer before he said it.

“No” said Jasper “Though I wish I could” I felt that if someone had controlled my mind then the last thing I would want was to know what they made me do, apparently that was one subject that Jazz and I didn’t see eye to eye.

“How did you break the trance he was in?” asked Ricky. I didn’t answer and just looked at the table and ran my hand through my hair.

“She slapped me” said Jasper “hard.” So that may not have been my proudest moment but when talking nicely doesn’t work then it’s time to use a little physical violence. Every murderer knows that.

“It worked didn’t it?” I asked and he nodded before kissing me lightly.

“It sure did” he said happily. “Feel free to slap me anytime.” I could have said a few things about that but we were in mixed company and there was a pregnant lady only a few feet away from me.

“So you guys talked and everything” said Bella. “Discussed what happened that night?” She didn’t need to clarify what night she was talking about. I think the whole table knew.

“Yeah, that’s the funny part” said Jasper “I was aware of what was happening to me the whole time but it was like everything I said and did was being controlled at the same time. Alice couldn’t have been behind it because I wasn’t with her.” That’s when it hit me, everything made sense.

“Bella” I said “I think whenever Alex decides to change you, you’re going to me a very powerful little vampire” Everyone turned to me and waited for me to explain.

“Why do you say that?” she asked and I laughed softly to myself at the look on her face.

“Because you seem to have two special inhuman abilities.” I answered and when everyone looked at me like I was crazy I continued. “Alex can’t read your mind, that’s one. The second is that you seem to be able to control people just like Alice.”

“No” she said quickly “that’s not possible.”

“She’s right” said Carlisle. “That’s the only explanation. If a vampire was controlling Jasper he wouldn’t have been able to remember it.”

“Why would I want Jasper to leave you, Liddie?” She asked trying to find a way to prove me wrong. We’ve been over this, I’m NEVER wrong.

“I think you just started playing over every possible outcome in your head when you were downstairs with Alex and you unknowingly leaked that information into Jasper. Since the living room is right below my bedroom, you were only about ten feet away.”

“Oh my God” she said staring down at the table. “That makes sense. I’m so sorry, I never meant to that.” She apologized softly.

“She's not blaming you” said Jasper “Just learn to control yourself” He wrapped his arm around my waist and I felt safe. Like I had finally come home.

“I will” she promised. “You’ll never break up because of me again”

“We’re never breaking up, period” said Jasper and I totally agreed with that.