Southern Belle

Chapter 5

“Okay so you can put me down now, I’m not going anywhere” I said once Jasper had carried me to his house. We were now standing in his living room and I was staring out of the window to my right while Jasper decided whether or not I would run if my feet touched the floor.

“Fine” He dumped me on the couch and was sitting beside me before I sat up. “I’m just so excited. I didn’t think I’d ever see you again.”

“I understand” I said placing a hand on his shoulder. “I thought I lost you too.” His fingers were nervously drumming on the arm of the couch and I put my hand over his to calm him.

“Don’t go human on me now, Jasper Whitlock.” I joked. Vampires didn’t fidget and it wouldn’t take long for that to get on my nerves.

“Hale” he said. “I changed my name to Jasper Hale.” That was like a bucket of water being thrown on me. I realized that there was a big part of his life that I had missed.

“That’s exactly what I’m talking about” I said “What’s been going on with you?” His eyes sparkled in the sunlight coming in from the many windows and I had to force myself to look away.

“Well I traveled around for a few years but I needed something stable, something relatively human.” He started. “I met this girl, Alice, in Philadelphia one day and she told me that we were meant to be together and we had to meet this family, the Cullens.” I swear I could feel my heart break when he mentioned the girl Alice.

“So the blonde girl, that was Alice?” I asked. She didn’t look anything like who I thought Jasper would end up with but I shouldn’t judge. I will, but I shouldn’t.

“No” said Jasper quickly. He shook his head at about thousand miles an hour just in case I didn’t hear him. “That’s Rosalie, Alice joined the Volturi a few years ago.” Anyone else would have thought Jasper had built a bridge and got over whatever Alice did but the look in his eyes told me the hurt was still there?

“She didn’t take you with her?” I asked. I wouldn’t leave my supposed soul mate behind while I ran off to Italy but that’s just me.

“No” he said. Well, there’s an uncomfortable conversation if I’ve ever heard one.

“Okay” I said “Tell me about the rest of you’re family.” At first I didn’t think he’d talk to me but after a few seconds he smiled and started talking again.

“Well Carlisle is basically our father and he works at the hospital downtown, he’s married to Esme. Um…Emmett is the dark haired guy you met earlier and he and Rosalie are hard to tolerate at times. Edward also know as John, is dating Bella and may or may not be pain in the ass.”

“I think I love you” I said. “You remembered Edward’s real name.” Anyone that remembers something I said or made up; automatically gets ten points on my cool-o-meter.

“That’s the only reason?” he said raising an eyebrow .

“No, but it helps your case” I answered. It was weird how easily we fell back into our natural rhythm but I didn’t stop to think about it.

“I could always use the help” he said “especially sense I seem to have some competition” I silently groaned at Lester’s stupidity.

“You’re properly talking about Lester, he’s an idiot and confesses his love for me like five times a day.” Yes, it does get annoying and yes, I have asked him to stop.

“Apparently you have quite a family yourself.” Said Jasper. “You know the drill, start talking.” He gave me a look that made me want to scream and laugh at the same time. Two activities that never seem to go together.

“Well, there’s Lester, I met him in New York City about fifty years ago. While I was there I also met Ricky and Roxy, a pair of twins that were the top models of their time and still rank pretty high today. The last person to join my coven was Ariel, we found her a couple of miles from here, freaking out about the whole vampire thing a few years ago.” I was slightly amazed that Jasper actually looked like he cared.

“Yep, I repeat, you have quite a family.” The slam of a car door alerted us that someone was here. We should have heard them coming before hand but our conversation did a good job of distracting us.

“Edward” growled Jasper. As if on cue Edward walked through the front door and there was no mistaking the fact that he was mad.

“You talked to her” hissed Edward. Anyone know why he thinks I’m devil spawn, because I’m drawing a blank.

“Yes” I said even though I had no idea who he was talking about. “I speak to a lot of people, what can I say, I’m strange.” The look in his eyes would have killed a weaker person.

“You do not talk to Bella.” He said. Oh, that’s why he’s freaking out.

“Calm down, John” I said. “I was forced to sit next to her so I introduced myself. I’m polite like that.” I glanced at Jasper and he looked just as confused as I did. “And didn’t I tell her to tell you to chew some tic-tacs?” That boy’s breath was rancid.

“Do not make jokes” he said. “I don’t want you anywhere near her. You’re Jasper’s friend, not mind.” I can only say one thing to that, DAMN!

“Jasper” I said looking over at him. “Please calm this strange enraged boy.” Jasper didn’t say anything but Edward’s face slowly became more relaxed.

“Better?” I asked after he seemed to be under control.

“Yeah, thanks Jazz.” He nodded to Jasper who smiled at his friend.

“Now, can we please talk about this like adults?” I asked. “Why don’t you want me to talk to your little girlfriend?” I couldn’t and wouldn’t hurt my mini-me.

“I don’t trust you or your family” he said. “Bella’s been through enough and I don’t want her around you.” Well that was like a punch in the gut.

“How about this? I stop calling you John, and you give me a chance to prove that I won’t your little human.” I held out my hand for him to shake and he grasped it.

“You promise not to call me John?” he asked skeptically.

“Of course, Fred. I’m a lot of things but not a liar.”