Southern Belle

Chapter 6

“So what’s your feeding routine like?” I was sitting across from Edward and Jasper which I didn’t think was a good idea since I wanted to jump both of them. But for very different reasons, Edward (Fred) had been asking me questions ever since we decided that he would give me a fair chance to earn the trust of the Cullen family, and each answer I gave him was rewarded with a smirk and eye roll combo that I felt I did not deserve. So of course I wanted to pull every last strand of that weird colored hair out of his skull.

Jasper on the other hand just looked at me with those golden eyes which made my brain turn to jelly. I wanted to push him into his room and lock the door behind us. Normally I wouldn’t have that strong of a reaction to someone but I would bet anything that Jasper was unknowingly intensifying my emotions.

“We each drain two people per month, we can go longer but it tests our control and makes it dangerous to be around humans.” Trust me we have learned that from experience.
Edward cringed and snapped his attention toward Jasper who gave him a cheeky smile that mirrored the one I gave whenever I was caught doing something I shouldn’t have been. Edward shook his head a couple of times and returned to the interrogation that was currently at hand.

“While you’re here, where will you be doing this feeding?” The meaning was clear in the way Edward stared at me and I was sure that anyone in my position would have known the real question he was asking.

“No Fred, we will not be hunting in Forks. My family and I have already agreed that we’re going to take trips up to Canada on the weekends in order to feed without having to worry about the current population in this tiny town.” I don’t know if he heard me or not because he was staring at Jasper much like he stared at me.

“Oh my god” Edward stood up so fast that even I barely saw him move. “Jasper, you are sick man.” Jasper looked at me before smiling and nodding in Fred’s direction.

“I’m going to my room where the walls were hopefully block out your disgusting, impure thoughts.” Edward ran up the stairs as soon as the words left his mouth saying “Mental images” over and over. I, of course was insanely confused, I had no idea Edward could read minds before his outburst and as to what Jasper was thinking was a mystery to me.

Jasper, to my surprise didn’t seem confused at all and his gaze locked onto mine, making it impossible for me to move from my seat on the large leather recliner.

“What’s up with Fred?” I asked as Jazz stood up and walked over to me.

“He’s just immature and can’t handle the fact that some of us actually have the ability to act out our desires.” That was a red flag if I’ve ever heard one. What happened to the quiet Jasper that never said what he really meant and was too scared to voice what he wanted?

“Just because you have the ability to act out your desires doesn’t mean you should” I said as I stood up and slowly started to walk backwards toward the kitchen. “It’s always good to rekindle the friendship before rushing into anything.” I didn’t even believe or want to listen to the words that were coming out of my mouth, so the fact that Jasper continue to follow me with that golden stare, really didn’t surprise me.

“The flame of our friendship never really went out.” He said as I was backed into a corner. Damn, I’m always hearing stories about girls that get trapped in a corner and are unable to get away from the guy and I always say “Why didn’t she realize she was walking into a corner?” well people, it’s hard to know where you’re going when an incredibly cute guy is trying to test your will power. Stuff happens!

“So I think we’re past the friend stage.” He moved forward to close the space between us and I put my hands on his chest in order to keep him away.
“Jasper, I like you. I’ve liked you for most of my life. But I haven’t seen you, or talked to you in years. So take a step back and we can talk.” That made sense in my mind, but Jasper didn’t move back and instead brought his lips to mine.

I gasped at the sudden contact and he took that has an opportunity to plunge his tongue to my mouth. The part of me that wanted to push him away was immediately quieted when his hand tangled in my hair and pulled me closer.

I knew somewhere in the back of my mind that it was a bad idea before I did it but I couldn’t help kissing him back.

“What the hell is going on here?” I cringed at the familiar voice and slowly turned to the intruders.

“Hey Ariel, you know I love you right?” My entire family was standing in the kitchen doorway looking like they wanted to kill me, while Emmett, Rosalie, and Bella were laughing hysterically.

“Yeah, we know how you feel about us, what we need to know is how you feel about him.” Lester pointed to Jasper who looked paler than usual and his eyes had widened in apparent pain.

“What’s the matter, Jasper?” He didn’t say anything but his gaze drifted over to Bella. So that’s why we suddenly becomes mute whenever humans are around. It’s the blood thing.

“Hey Bella” I said in my fake sweet voice that everyone saw through. “Fred’s upstairs, Jasper freaked him out and he may need someone to comfort him.” Bella looked at me for a second before turning and walking out of the kitchen.

“Thanks” breathed Jasper. The urge to kiss him washed over me and shot Jasper a look. No explanation is needed for that look, it’s the look you never want to see but know it when you do.

“Your welcome but that doesn’t mean I won’t slap you if you keep doing that.” Jasper put his hands in front of him in surrender which made Emmett and Rosalie laugh even harder. My family just stared at us without a single idea of what was going on.

“Jazz can control emotions” I answered their unspoken question. “And he was making me like him more than I really do.” I glared at Jasper who was staring at me like I had wrongly accused him of something. “Oh don’t you dare try to deny it.” I knew what he was thinking, just call me Fred.

“Okay stop it!” said Ricky, he looked like he was about to spontaneously combust, which I must admit was hilarious. “We don’t even know this guy and you’re…” He spun is arms around in circles as he tried to come up with the right word.

“Joking around with him, being myself around him, acting like he’s a friend? What?” I asked. Emmett and Rosalie, who were still laughing at my expense by the way, finally decided to leave the room which I was highly grateful for.

“All of them” said Ricky “All we know is that this guy turned you however many years ago and now we find you kissing him in some random kitchen.”

“We need answers” finished Roxy, once again proving that the weird mental connection with her brother was very weird.

“You’re right” I said “Let’s go in the living room and I’ll explain what’s going on, very slowly.” They looked at me strangely for half a second before nodding.

“Jasper, go get Steve and Bella, if I know them as much I think I do. Which is very well, by the way, then they’ll flip their lid if they find out I was answering questions without them.” If Jasper was surprised that I changed Edward’s name to Steve then he didn’t show it. Thank God, because I really didn’t want to explain what I was talking about. That just takes all the authority out of the statement.