Southern Belle

Chapter 9

Carlisle answered every single question I asked him without complaint. I would think that after the first hour he would have gotten bored, but he didn’t. It wasn’t until the forest outside his window started to turn a deep shade of purple that I realized that Jasper was still downstairs and most likely wondering what was going on.

“Thanks Carlisle, but I think we lost track of time.” I motioned to the window and his eyes widened like the coyote after the roadrunner escaped certain death by some ACME product.

“Yeah, you better go comfort your boy or World War III is going to break out.” Normally I would have made a crack about how he was being so pushy but the statement “your boy” made me freeze up. Jasper was mine, whether he wanted to be or not.

“I’m going” I said softly, my voice hadn’t completely recovered but Carlisle didn’t seem to care. I bolted out of his office like the fires of hell were trying to get me. I don’t care that it’s only fire and can’t think for itself, it still tries to get me.

As I walked down the stairs I heard two voices. Jasper and Esme were talking about something and I was just about to make a noise to alert them to my presence when I heard my name. The curiosity that washed over me was far too powerful to deny. I poked my head around the corner to see Jasper sitting on the chair that Carlisle and Edward had shared earlier and Esme sitting in the one across from him.

“They’re just talking” said Esme. She was giving Jasper a look seemed to beg him to believe her.

“For two hours?” asked Jasper doubtfully, “most people don’t talk for two hours.” I wanted to laugh at the speculation in his voice. Did he really think I would do anything but talk with the man that basically his father?

“Neither of them are most people” comforted Esme as she walked over to sit down beside Jasper, much the same way Carlisle had with Edward. “And if you’re so worried, why don’t you just go up there?”

“I want to trust her” Jasper supplied “and I do but it’s something about letting her out of my sight that puts me on edge. And why aren’t you worried? He’s your husband.” I noticed that his foot was tapping nervously and I had to fight back the urge to jump out of my hiding spot and nail his foot to the floor.

“Because she likes you” said Esme “She’s not going after Carlisle because you’re the only one on her mind.” A swarm of jokes flashed through my minds eye but I bit my tongue to keep from voicing them.

“How do you always manage to make me feel better?” asked Jasper with a smile on his face.

“Oh, it’s a woman thing. We’re sensitive, right Lydia?” I groaned at the fact I’d been caught and stood up. Jasper looked like I had slapped him with a smelly fish and ran. (That’s a funny image. Just think about that for a second. I’m right, huh?)

“Right” I said and started to descend the remaining stairs. Without saying anything Esme got up and left the room, I don’t know where she went, I really wasn’t paying attention. “Jazz, you are aware that we just admitted we like each other no more than three hours ago. Do you really think I’d be having second thoughts already?”

“Kinda” he admitted. “You just seemed so interested in Carlisle that I started to rethink the fact you’d like me.” I had the urge to just go “Awe” but the timing was once again inappropriate. I mean really, this is starting to turn into some kind of soap opera. THE DRAMA MUST END, NOW!

“Jazz, I once again want to slap you, I like you. The only member of your family I want to mess with is Bob, and not in the way you’re thinking.” OMEB Bob + Edward=Bobward. That is awesome.

“Alright” he sighed. “I’m sorry for my low self esteem. What if I spiked Edward’s shampoo with purple hair dye, would that make it up to you?” That’s cool on a number of levels.

“It would and I’d love you forever” I said and I was in no way over exaggerating. If Edward showed up with purple hair tomorrow then I would bow down to the awesomeness that is Jasper.

We did it, Jasper and I have officially spiked Edward’s shampoo. I can’t begin to tell you why I have this unnatural hatred of Edward’s hair but I think it’s a combination of things. First of all what color is it? Blonde or brown, you can’t tell. Second, when was the last time he washed it? Hair doesn’t stand up like that on its own. His hair properly won’t even turn purple for another week. And lastly, it just plain freaks me out, it’s like alive or something, trust me if you saw it you’d think the same thing.

After completing our devilish deed, Jasper and I were sitting in my room and laughing hysterically.

“I can’t believe we did that” I said between random laughing episodes. “I feel dangerous.” I hummed the James Bond theme song which made Jasper simply look at me like I was an idiot.

“Hey, don’t you have to go home?” I asked as the thought popped into my mind, I know I’m sorta random.

“I would, but I like it here. Plus, Edward would read my mind and discover his new hair product. So it’s properly a good idea that I stay.” He shrugged his shoulders as if this was a huge disposition on his part.

“Well if you’re going to mooch off me for the night then you can at least make yourself useful. I have a serious case of writers block and I have officially made it your job to give me some new ideas.” I took my laptop off my desk and turned it on before plopping it down on his lap.

“Thanks, schoolwork, exactly what I wanted to do tonight. I feel so loved.” He scrolled up the page and stiffened. I don’t know what he was reading but apparently he wasn’t expecting whatever it was. “Eyulia book 5: The stone of Alastair” read Jasper. That was the title of the book I was working on and I didn’t see why that was a big deal.

“Yeah, so?” I asked confused as to what he was getting at.

“I’ve read the four books before this one, you’re Cole Lydian?” I waited for a second until understanding dawned on his face. “Oh. I’m stupid.” I shall not make a comment on that statement.

“Well anyway, I can’t figure out what should come next” I leaned over and scrolled down to the paragraph that I had written earlier that morning. “What do you think?”
It only took Jasper a few seconds to read it and the smile painted on his face told me he must have liked it.

“I can see where you’re having trouble.” He said “you can’t have Jennifer jump off the cliff because she couldn’t possibly survive, but yet you can’t have her fight the oncoming army because she’s not strong enough to win and both would force the scene to lose some of its sincerity.”

“Exactly” I said “So, what should I do?” He started typing something and turned the computer to me.

“It might just work” I said reading what he had written “What other ideas do you have in that pretty head of yours?”
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OMEB= Oh My Evil Butterflies