Dear Diary, Love Chelsea


Dear Diary,

Oh le garçon. I have a rant for you today. I felt like saying something
(oh boy)
in french so I did. If I ever talk in another language I'll put little things

with the meaning under it. Well I'm kinda pissed at the moment.

Mon meilleur ami essaie de reprendre mon histoire.
(My best friend is trying to take over my story.)
Yea. Its kinda got me mad.The story is on here. Its kinda

got me mad. I deleted her as an author on it. I hope it dont get

her to mad cause I still wanna me her friend.

Je signifie étais les trois mousquetaires. Me
(I mean were the three musketeers)
her and our other friend are. I love them like their my sisters. It's just me and her kinda but

heads on the story and I came up with the Idea and she's trying to change it. And the

characters are

kinda based off our selves. And in the story she said that my character only cares about her

self. And thats like saying i only care about myself. I promise you I dont. She only cares about

herself. Shes always trying to one up people all the time.

Je signifie son ennuyer comme l'enfer ! Oh well. I've changed alot in the past month or 2. I
(I mean its annoying as hell!)
mean I got my first boyfriend! All girls change when they get their first boy friend. But

apperantly i changed more then I should have. Juste me tuer maintenant. Please? I'll deal
(Just kill me now.)
with it. On the bright side! I might go to the movies with my cousin Ryan tomorrow! We might

go see How To Train Your Dragon. Then Saturday I might go to the movies with Jeremy and

Heather to the movies with his ex gf and her current bf. I guess ill be the 5th wheel. unless

Jeremy brings one his friends. well bye!'
