Dear Diary, Love Chelsea


Dear Diary,

Today was a pretty good day. This morning I hung out with my friends. And Raven didn't come to school! I miss her so much she had better come tomorrow. If not I wont see her ever again maybe. I didn't talk to Tiauna or Alex pretty much all day. Me and Tiauna did our presentation for reading. It went okay I think. But that's my opinion.

Tiauna forgave me in seventh period! I was so happy! I was sitting there and Matthew pinched her and she talk to me and I was like "Friends?" and she said "Friends" And we hugged. I was so so so so so so so SO happy! I don't know if Alex forgives me yet. She forgave Matthew but I don't know if she did me.

Tiauna got a new boy friend. Its Josh. He's a really nice person. A little crazy and weird but he's really nice. Well there's not much to say for today. Oh! Courtney broke up with Matthew. Yea. And he is not ever gonna go back out with her. He said for me to slap him if he does. And I will. I'm not kidding I will slap him. His new girlfriend is Amber. Another of my friends. I call her Amberfwah and she calls me Chelseafwah. Yea weird nicknames I know but we're weird.

That's it.
