Dear Diary, Love Chelsea


Dear Poseidon,

I talk to Johnny a lot now. I miss him. A lot. I wish he could come see me. He likes me too. Can you believe it?! He likes me. I like him too. A lot. I dont know what to do though, he's 20 and Damon I like him too. He's 16 though so more of the type I should go for. But he's a bad boy. Deff bad boy. Bad news 100%. I guess thats why I like him?
And Nick likes me. My ex? Yeahh, him. I hung out with him a little today at K-mart. His mom kissed my cheek and his grandpa hugged Meme it was hilarious.
But I like Johnny because he's so child like and carefree.
I like Damon because he is more my age, and really sweet and cool.
I like Nick...well I dunno if I like him.. He's so sweet and careing and the ideal boyfriend but I dont really like him much anymore..
Right now I'm a little upset/depressed. But I dont kno why. I feel like your the only thing I can trust. I'd trust you with my life. For now I'll just trust you with my secrets.. Life Royaly sucks in my opinion. I wish I had accoished my previous attempt. No, I wish I was pregnant so I'd have a reason to kill myself, but if I was pregnant I wouldnt kill myself because I wouldnt dare hurt that poor defenseless little creature growing inside of me.
Ever feel like just laying in bed and stareing off into space day dreaming? I want to now. No actually I want to go stare at the stars but imagining them will have to do for now. Right? Yeahh... I feel broken and unwanted inside. I feel like I dont belong here anymore. I wish my chains were gone and I could be set free. I know I am free through God but not in life itself.
Im going to go now...
Goodnight, sweet dreams, so on...

P.S. I'm back. Wanted to update you on my ankle real fast. Turns out it was broken and I ws in a cast for 4 weeks. I got it off Thursday now I use Barbie's (Zacks friends - cole- step mom) Barbie's walking boot. 2 weeks of that then back to P.E. And I dont like Matthew anymore. He's a jerk, Well night!!
