Dear Diary, Love Chelsea


Dear Diary,

Honey I'm home! Oh gosh doesn't it feel good to be back? I think I'm going to bet back into the habit of writing here and might even start a new story. I have a basic outline but no telling how it will go or if I will keep it. You should check it out if I do. I'll let you know the name. Well, a lot has happened in the past, well, almost a year! I've lost friends, made friends, lost connections and a lot. My dad has been in and out of rehab/jail several times and gets out about a week from Tuesday.

I dont talk to Alex anymore. We got in a fight and we were just done with each other's bull crap. Tiauna and I lost some contact but still text or talk from time to time. Nick and I are super close and I've made a LOT of new friends since I've started high school!

I turned 15 on November 11th and am now 15 years young. I still love going to church and texting. My best friend Emily goes to church with me and I go to a lot of church events. I'm a freshie at a public high school cause I'm that epic! I baby sit any chance I get and love it!

I know I'm just going on and on about me. I'm going to stop so I don't, you know, kill your brain. Well, I'm going to try and start writing again and if I dont, you can hit me or what ever. Deal? <3
