Dear Diary, Love Chelsea


Dear God,
I thank you for today and for the nights rest I'm going to get. God, why doesn't my dad get better? Why does he continue to make these choices with drugs? And why doesn't he want me? Why isn't he an official part of my life? I'm his youngest, hi baby girl and I'm almost 16 years old yet I get, maybe, 2% of his attention. I just pray you keep your strong loving hands over him and my step sisters.
God I also pray for Mommy and Heather. I pray Heather forgive me and we grow a stronger bond one day. I pray for Waylon, Lord, and that you keep him safe and healthy. I pray for a change in my heart so I can set other peoples hearts on fire for you. But first I need to feed my own flame.
I love you precious heavenly father, and in Jesus' name I pray,