Fighting's a Lifestyle

Chapter 1. When it all comes crumbling down.

It was just a normal Tuesday afternoon, I had school but the good thing was that it was the last day. Bring on summer vacation! Was the only thought running through my mind at the moment. After that bell rang I was free. Free from the homework, annoying teachers, and stupid uniforms of Delhi High School. Free for an entire summer, until next year of course. Only thirty more minutes. Everyone was on the edge of their seats waiting for the announcement that this school year has ended and that the principal wished us all a safe summer. Five minutes later the P.A came on. We all looked at each other with puzzled expressions on our faces, why was it twenty five minutes early?

The Prinipal's came on in her scratchy voice and said, "Will Alice Overmyer please report to the principal's office. Will Alice Overmyer please report to the principal's office, thank you."

Now all eyes were on me. Why do I have to go to the principal's office? I hadn't done anything bad, that I can remeber of anyway. Lost in my pondering thoughts of the reason I would be called to the principal's office the teacher was yelling for me to hurry up and go. I snapped out of my thoughts grabbed my books and ran out of the classroom door. Well at least I won't have to listen to Mr. Cowell's lecture anymore. Arriving at the door I stopped running and slowed to a walk. I walked past the secretary that was giving me a look of pity. Why was she looking at me like that? I walked into Mrs. Crow's office, our principal and sat down in one of the comfy leather chairs. Why couldn't we have these chairs and not those crappy piece's of crap things they call desks to sit in? Oh right because or school's cheep.

"Miss. Overmyer I have some very bad news to tell you, and their is no good way to say it either. So I'm very sorry to inform you that your parents are dead." she said.

I just stared at her. Was she kidding me? How could my parents be dead? Oh I must be getting punk'd or something, yeah that's it Aston Kutcher's going to pop out any second and scream you just got punk'd! So that's why I bursted out laughing.

Mrs. Crow's eyes were as big as tennis balls.

"Miss. Overmyer this is not a joke. Your parents died in a car crash at 1:57 this afternoon. I understand this is hard to. ............ grasp, but they have died and we need to work out your living arrangement since you have no other living relatives." she said in a stern voice.

I stared at her finally believing. My parents were.......... gone? But I was with them just a couple hours ago. How could they....? Where were they......? I couldn't even construct a real question without wanting to burst into tears. My parents were dead and now I was all alone.

"Okay since you have no living relatives do you have any friends that would be willing to take you in? If not we would have to put you into a foster home." she said in a sad voice.

She didn't care this was all an act. She didn't give a damn about my parents and never will. I will not stand in here being felt sorry for from people who don't even care. No I will be strong and suck up all my tears and move on. So I said my one and only friend's name.

"Yes my best friend Jacob Gunner will let me stay."

But back then I didn't know what Jacob Gunner was really like.