Status: Finished (:


Chapter 10: Asher

It was funny how Tally could always just listen to him, and the sound of her breathing would make him feel better. The only person who ever answered his vents was Riley, but that would never happen again.

“I know you can’t answer me Tally. But I am never going to hear his laugh again. I’ve called his cell phone five times, just to hear his freaking voice, Tally. His damned voice,” Asher ranted.

Only a few months back, Asher had been venting to Riley.

“She flirts with me and stuff, I think! But why won’t she go out with me?!” Asher had said.

“I don’t know man, but it’s not fair to you. I’m here for you, man.”

The memory made Asher cry more, which made him even more inaudible. Tally kept listening, but Asher was sure of it that Tally could not understand his deep conversation.

For hours, he talked about death and how unfair everything had been for the past few days. How nothing seemed to matter anymore, now that Riley was dead. He listened to the one time Tally talked, reassuring herself more than anyone, that he was not going to kill himself.

It went on until 3 A.M. Finally, Asher fell asleep to the sound of his own voice.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short and sweet!