Status: Finished (:


Chapter 17: Delaney

Delaney had heard that grieving and sadness, among other things, could break up a friendship, and it often did. But she never believed that it could happen to Aimee and herself – they had seemed unbreakable, with a bond that lasted forever.

Delaney had come over to work on homework. It was advised for Aimee to keep working and not lose sight of her future because of Riley’s death, so things were to go on as normal. As Delaney bit into her cherry lollipop, she could feel Aimee’s death stares.

“What?” she mumbled through a mouthful.

“You’re disgusting,” Aimee grimaced.

“Whatever,” Delaney smiled a toothy smile, with the pieces of the sucker still in her mouth.

“You know, Laney, I’m not trying to be mean, but I don’t think I can pay much attention to my work while you’re here. Maybe you should go home,” Aimee slowly said, as if trying to carefully choose her words.

Fifteen minutes later, Delaney was laying on her bed staring at the ceiling. She was holding back the tears – she was always the first to cry. Aimee hadn’t told her anything lately. The night before, she hadn’t answered any of Delaney’s texts. Then today, she merely said something or another about her father returning, but quickly changed the subject to homework.

She was losing Aimee. And fast. The fact that she couldn’t do anything about it hurt even more than that fact.

The “What if’s” sporadically ran through her mind, continuously.

What if Riley hadn’t died?
What if Delaney had died instead?
What if Aimee had died instead?
What if Riley and Aimee hadn’t been so close?

Delaney reflexively wiped the first tear that came out of her eyes and sat up. Who was she to care about the stupid friendship, anyways? She wasn’t going to try anymore – Aimee could find a new best friend. Riley may have died, but that didn’t make Delaney a murderer and Aimee had no reason to treat her as one. She was, as she always said, officially done.
♠ ♠ ♠
No flashbacks. This is one of the lesser impacts, and might not have any more flashbacks. I really don't like this character much :P