Status: Finished (:


Chapter 19: Aimee

It was considerably a good habit. She always tried to make herself do work, so why not give her little brother a memorial service? She began to think of empty places and who to invite.

“Aimee, I don’t get it, where’d Daddy go?” Riley spoke through tears.

“I think he’s just on vacation, Ri,” Aimee tried to hold her own tears back.

“Are you sure? Mommy seems confused,” he had dubiously said. He was four, and it was his job to question everyone until they were sick of him.

Aimee had felt so old and mature – she was the one mending her brother’s broken heart now.

If she could go back to that day, she would. Holding her brother’s heart in her hands had felt so powerful, so mature.

This memorial service had to be the best – nothing else would do Riley justice.