Status: Finished (:


Chapter 21: Lindy

Lindy had always heard about life-changing experiences, never really had one. It was strange to consider that the “dream” had been one of those stories she always heard about on the news.

She ate healthily, and her relationship with her mother even grew stronger. She had collected a box full of Riley’s things that he had left around her house – she assumed that Riley’s mother would want them back for memories.

She hummed in the car, as her mother drove her to the Williams’s house. It was always going to be weird with no Riley around, but Lindy saw no reason that her and Aimee could not be friends.

As she lugged the heavy box to the door, she took in a deep breath. No matter how she seemed on the outside, her insides still pounded, as if her organs were going to explode or digest themselves.

When she finally rung the doorbell and saw Claire Williams, she smiled, explaining her reasoning. Riley’s mother nodded with a smile that seemed almost painful. Lindy didn’t blame her, but it was hard not to be offended at all.

After the second denial of going inside the house, for fear that memories would overtake her, she saw Aimee come down the stairs with Asher right behind her. She smiled at the two, remembering how Riley had always said that Asher was going to be his Best Man at their wedding.

“Hi guys,” Lindy offered a small wave. She still wasn’t sure how to handle human contact with people who felt exactly the same way as her.

“Hey Lind, I was just thinking about you,” Aimee started, “you have to come to Riley’s memorial that I’m holding Saturday night!”

Lindy hesitantly nodded, “Uh, yeah, sure!”

Lindy supposed Aimee passed off the hesitance as shyness, when in reality, Lindy wasn’t quite sure how to handle a memorial ceremony. It required talking about the dead person, and Lindy was trying her best to forget and to tune out all memories. But all Lindy could do at that point was nod and smile – something Riley had taught her well.
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Hello my subscribers, whom I adore dearly - I just wanted to let you guys know that I know that my chapters are becoming short. I'm merely writing these chapters to lead up to the memorial, which is going to take quite a few chapters, as well as the ending.

I plan on finishing the story up soon, so that I can focus on my other story "Stuck In The Ages." I'd truly appreciate if you could read that one, too, since it's a pretty different idea, and I love constructive criticism and subscribers.

Love and Peace to all,
Lamia <3