Status: Finished (:


Chapter 24: Asher

He was the second to get there, after Aimee. She seemed tired, dark bags under her eyes.

“Hi,” Asher softly spoke.

He got a smile in return from his best friend’s sister. When she smiled, she almost looked like him – it made Asher nostalgic.

In due time, everyone had gotten there. Even Riley’s parents had showed up, with their own speeches ready. By the time they started, it was 10:45.

It was hard to pay attention these days. Asher could barely listen to one sound for more than a few seconds. Somehow, he kept himself listening to Aimee, as she spoke:

“Hi everyone. We’re all here in memory of Riley,” she said, the tears already welling up in her eyes. “I asked all of you to prepare a little something to say for him, so… who wants to go first?”

Looking around, no one rose their hand, so Asher stood up.

“I’ll do it,” he said, walking to the black and white picture of Riley that Aimee had set up as the “podium” area.

As Asher got up there, his knees slightly wobbled. He hadn’t realized how personal it would be to speak to the group.

“Riley Williams was my best friend. My go-to man. He was basically my soul brother. I don’t know where I would be today, without him. Ever since we were little, he’s metaphorically held my hand through all the girl troubles and all the friend troubles I had.”

Asher looked around, everyone staring at him. It was more of a cautious stare, than a sympathetic. He knew they were afraid that he would blow up any second. That his inner-core would explode, and the pieces would be right in front of their viewing.

“I still remember the first thought I had when he told me he was only eight. What a little kid, how am I going to be friends with him? He’s two years younger than me. But Riley was so mature, he seemed older than me. He was like my older brother, at times, holding me down when I couldn’t control myself. He taught me what a best friend is. I am still wondering how I’ll survive without him,” Asher continued, as his voice broke. The tears began to crawl up from his heart to his eyes.

His five-minute time was almost up, so he began to close his speech. If the tears came, he wouldn’t be able to, so he quickly spoke, “And now my wingman is gone. I have no partner in crime. Riley Williams, I loved you. You were the best friend I could ever ask for, and I’m always going to miss you. I’m sorry we could never live together, like we planned,” Asher gasped out, walking to his sitting area, Aimee comforting him with a hug.

It was over, and Riley was definitely gone. And God, did that hurt more than anything in the world, the realization of that.
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Alrighty, there's Asher's speech. These speeches are going to be so hard to write :(
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