Status: Finished (:


Chapter 9: Ms. Williams

It was soon discovered that only a mother could truly feel the full pain of losing her child. Ms. Williams found herself looking at any remains of her son she had left – articles of clothing, pictures, even the colors of his room.

“Come on baby, push! This is our son! He’s going to be beautiful, I can feel it!” her husband had encouraged. At that point, though, the pain was enough to want to shoot him in the face. She was sweating and constricting the blood circulation of her husband’s hand, but it was all worth it when she held the seven pounds and seven ounces Riley Landon Williams was born.

When she held him in her arms, and looked down at the baby’s face, she clearly saw a person she knew – her.

The tears streamed down Ms. Williams’s face. She held Riley’s favorite jacket to her face and breathed in the scent of her passed son.

“I will always love and miss you, Ri,” she whispered, more so to herself than to the imaginary Riley she saw in front of her.

Her and Riley had taken a mother-son trip to the movie theater, leaving Aimee with Delaney. They were going to watch “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas,” one of Riley’s favorite books as a child.

Soon enough, Riley was bawling with fear of the green creature that was on the screen. No one had mentioned how fearful The Grinch seemed to be. She had comforted Riley, hugging him, and telling him “It’s all going to be alright,” for two and a half hours – the longest of her life.

She would have done anything to feel her son’s hug again. Anything.
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I'm not sure how well I did at incorporating maternal love into a story, as I have not experienced that kind of love, but I hope I did an okay job at it!