Status: Loving Mibba!

Shape Shifters in Training

Vengeance for Hiro

We all ran over to Hiro.
Lulu put her ear to his chest. Hayley felt for his pulse.
"No pulse..." Hayley whispered. "No heartbeat..." Lulu whispered.
Thursday put his hand on my shoulder sympathetically and whispered, "Sorry, Monroe... He's dead."
Tears streamed down my face. I angrily looked up at our foe, who was laughing his stupid head off.
"I told you couldn't defeat me! I suggest you all leave before you end up like your wolf friend!"
I was filled with pain. Monroe, you only shape shift into a robin. There's nothing you can do.... But it's Hiro! You need to... GET REVENGE!
I don't know what came over me! As I shape shifted into a robin, everyone stared in awe. Sue and Hayley even screamed, "WHAAAAT?! WHO ARE YOU?! I THOUGHT YOU SHAPE SHIFTED INTO A ROBINNNN!!!!"
I tilted my head, confused. "But I do!"
Sharkia got out a mirror. I looked at my reflection. I WAS A HUGE, ANGRY, MEAN LOOKING PTERODACTYL! I was amazed. I think Master Udon told me about this...
"When a loved one is in danger, one can gather superhuman strength. For example, if Viola's mother was in danger, instead of shape shifting into a butterfly, she would shape shift into a monster with butterfly wings."
Hiro's dead. I'll get revenge, I thought.
We all shape shifted. Sharkia was a whale shark, Cody was even cooler than before, Thursday was a big skunk, ready to fart his enemy, Viola was a monster with wings, Lulu was a tiger and Hayley was a demon horse. Clearly, we all wanted revenge. The lion too turned massive.
"NO ONE! DEFEATS! SHADOW!!!!!!" he yelled at the top of his lungs.
We all shot at Shadow. Shadow shot back at us. There was a lot of biting, scratching, punching, kicking, fire, farting, jumping, stamping, flying and eventually... one of us fell down. Dead. It was.... to be announced in the next chapter.