Memories That Fade Like Photographs

Wish It Was You?

‘Shit’ I found myself running down the street, late for work. It’s the third day in a row I’ve slept in. God damn my friends and their wanting me to stay up with them.
“Peyton” Tiger Lilly sighed.
“Lil” I covered my eyes. She laughed
“You’re late again. Ronnie is going to fire you if you keep this up.” I snickered at her and walked into the bar. She shook her head at me and walked into the back. It wasn’t like anyone was going to be in for a while. The only people that came into the bar at this time were the local drunks and my friends… Sometimes. I cleaned all tables and set up the pool balls on the table ready for people to come in. There seemed to be something with drunken people and playing billiards. Katie, who was defiantly not my friend walked into the bar as I was leaned over one of the tables. I groaned and kept cleaning. She worked here too. Just she didn’t work behind the bar. She was our ‘stripper’ so to speak. She was originally hired as a waitress before Ronnie figured he could make more money with her as a stripper. She didn’t mind. Not at all.

Katie had long blond wait that matches her pale blue eyes. She had the figure of a model and boobs that stuck out. I have always been sure she loves the attention the men give her in this bar.
“Hello Peyton” she giggled as she walked past me and pushed me downwards. My top got all wet. I bit my tongue and greeted her politely before walking into Ronnie's Office. I swung the door open forcefully making it hit a filing cabinet. Ronnie turned to face me. He frowned when he saw me wet state.
“What happened there?” He said pointing to my top. I could tell he was holding in a laugh, and it didn’t help that my top was white. I flicked my brown hair out of my eyes and pointed to Katie who was rearranging all the bottles in the bar.
“She happened” I snapped at him. His smile disappeared. It turned into a thoughtful look. “Why do you keep her, she only causes trouble between your employees?” I crossed my arms over my chest angrily. He was still silent for a while. I turned to walk out but he grabbed me arm.
“I keep her because she brings us money. I care about you, but I also need funding to give you money and keep the business running. If I got rid of her we’d lose customers and I can’t have that.” Ronnie exclaimed. I wanted to quit, but finding a job is hard. Maybe just some time off. Maybe.

Tonight was busy as all Saturday nights are. As I thought maybe customers were going to die down. One of my most beloved friends walked in. surrounded by girls. Great, another night were I have to watch him frolic with girls, just what i wanted to see on the weekend.
“PEYTON” Jack piped and jumped up on the bar. The girls surrounding him gave me evils. Jeez it isn’t my fault we are friends.
“Jack.” I sighed. It was happy to see him I always am. I just hate seeing him take advantage of girls like he does. I could smell alcohol on his breath.
“Yup, that’s me… you know you could always take advantage of me.” He wiggled his eyebrows. I laughed at him and put my hand on his chest.
“Oh my dear friend, if it would make them go away I would, but I have work!” I grinned and pushed him out of the bar. The girls giggled and started whispering. Alex, Jack’s best friend and a good friend of mine walked over and sat down in the stool in front of me. “Please tell me you’re sober Alex” I smiled weakly. He nodded.
“Yup totally sober. We need a designated driver.” He smirked.

I gave my friend a curious look and laughed.
“You, a designated driver? I doubt that. I’ll end up driving you home as usual yes?” I laughed. He frowned and put a hand over his heart,
“I feel so hurt… you don’t believe in me!” he made a shocked face and stuck his bottom lip out before hanging his head. I laughed at his act and wiped away an imaginary tear.
“What will it be Alex?” I asked turning to the alcohol on the wall. He surprised me and just asked for lemonade.
“I’m going to prove you wrong Miss Peyton York” he gave a quick nod as I handed him his drink.

Serving started slowing down and there were very little people left in the bar. I watched Jack and his ‘girls’ as he had his tongue down one of their throats.
“Wish it was you?” a familiar voice questioned. I quickly composed myself and found Rian sitting next to me. I shook my head and frowned at him.
“His just my friend, I don’t like seeing him like this. It’s… unhealthy.” I could think of the right words to use.
“Let him have his fun, he’ll settle down one day.” Rian told me, a sympathetic look on his face.
“Do you want something?” I asked walking over and grabbing a glass for him.
“Just a beer.” He smiled.
“Where is Kara tonight?” I asked pouring him his drink.
“With a few friends, she hasn’t seen them in a while.” He closed his eyes and laid his head in his hand.
“Tired?” I asked, giving him his drink. He nodded giving a slight yawn. “My shift finishes soon; I’ll take you guys home." He smiled.
“You’re great you know.” I smiled at the compliment.

God it has been a long night.
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the first chapter of 10 alreay written... i hope you like :) i fixed up any mistakes, hopefully it's better.
Cass xox