Memories That Fade Like Photographs


When I woke up I was in my apartment. The sweet smell of red roses filled my nose. I stretched and slowly made my way out of bed. I stepped on something; I frowned and lifted my foot. It was a small piece of paper. I picked it up and unfolded it. ‘I love you, forever and always.’ I giggled at Jack's small hand writing. I walked into my bathroom and saw another note, this one was a little larger. I yawned and picked it up. ‘Do you remember our first day of school together? I do, I just knew we were going to be close.’ I smiled at the memory of a medium height boy who unlike he is now, was very timid. I placed the paper back down on the bench and tired my hair up in a rough pony tail. I walked back into my bedroom and spotted the source of the heavenly smell. I bunch of roses lay on the arm chair in the corner of my room. I noticed a note lying next to them. I skipped over to it and unfolded it.

‘Once you get this I should be in the kitchen making you breakfast. You have no idea how much I wanted just one night like last night, a night with you alone. Last night would have to be the night I will always remember. It brought up memories, long lost memories I don’t think even you remember. But don’t worry about that. Do you remember the first time we kissed? I do. I thought you didn’t think of me more than a friend, but we were only young then. Now you tell me you like me more than just my best friend. Something I’ve only ever dreamed about you telling me.’ I smiled, he dreamed about me? ‘ I’m guessing you’re thinking’ “he dreams about me now?” well yes I do. Always have. Anyway, shit happened and we haven’t been close in a few days. We have been at each others throats about Natalia. I really don’t want to fight with you. I love you too much to lose you permanently. I promise this thing will be over with soon enough. I just wish with all my heart I could tell you, but I’m afraid I’ll hurt you more then I can bear. But I want you to know my first note, the note that means the most. Is true. And once all this shit is done with, I want more days like last night. I want to wake up next to your sleeping body every morning. But most of all I want to be able to love you freely.’ I giggled and held the note to my heart.

I decided it was probably best to get dressed so I pulled on a black and white poke-a-dotted top and black ripped skinny jean. When I thought I looked respectable I walked into the kitchen, and as the note said, there was Jack, in his boxers making me breakfast. He smiled at me and kissed my forehead.

He looked at the French toast that was cooking away in the frying pan
“Well my lovely, your awake, did you get my notes?” he questioned, I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck and got onto my tippy toes. I placed my lips on his and nodded.
“I got your notes, and they were adorable, like your adorable.” I complimented. He chuckled and pulled my arms away so he can flip the toast.
“So you think I’m adorable?” he smirked. “I think you look sexy with messy hair.” He wiggled his eyebrows seductively. I rolled my eyes but could take the smile off my face.
“Barakat, you’re going to burn my breakfast… I’m hungry my lovely.” I smiled and sat on the kitchen bench. I watched Jack dish up my food and hand me the plate. I took it and thanked him. He put two more pieces in the frying pan. I picked up a piece of the squishy toast and ripped a piece off, “Jacky… want some?” I teased waving the piece I tore off in his face. He laughed and opened his mouth. I put the toast in his mouth and his lips closed on my fingers. I smiled and took them out. Before taking a bite of my toast.

Jack finished cooking and stood in front of me. He took my plate off me and gave me his own; I frowned and looked at the full plate of delicious food.
“Jack what is this, it’s yours.” I asked trying to hand him the plate.
“Feed me.” He told me, a smirked and ripped of a large piece of the bread. He took it from my finders and kissed my fingertips. I looked at him in awe. I’d never known Jack to be like this. Cocky yes, but sweet and romantic… not really. “I think your fingers taste better then the toast.” He smiled licking his lips. I rolled my eyes and tore of another piece and popped it in my own mouth. We repeated until there was nothing left.
“What is on the agenda for today?” I asked wrapping my legs around his waist.
“Well I’d like to stay here with you all day, but I have an interview to do, and then a photo shoot. You can come to the photo shoot. I’d love to have you in one of the photos.” He smirked and winked at me.
“But I can’t go like this babe…” I said looking down at myself.
“You look fine, go brush your hair I’ll get dressed and we will go… deal?” he asked, I rolled my eyes and nodded. “Let’s go” he picked me up. I squawked for him to put me down. He dropped me on my bed and walked over to the wardrobe. All the guys had a spare set of clothes here for necessary reasons.

Jack picked out his clothes and pulled them on. I decided to grab a poke-a-dotted belt, the bracelet Alex bought me, a diamond ring Jack's mother had given to me as a 21st Birthday gift and my love necklace. Just the usual accessories. I brushed my hair until I liked how it looked before finally pulling on my black flat shoes.
“Jack I’m ready.” I smile taking his hand. He smiled and kissed my cheek.
“Well off we go!” He piped skipping me out of the room.
♠ ♠ ♠
well no comments for the last chapters, I was a little bummed about that. But I have a goal of 15 comments before I update again and at least one new commenter, I really feel as if my story fails if I don't get feed back from readers or subscribers.
anyway, I loved writing this chapter. I'm one for all the sappiness :)

Peyton's outfit
