Memories That Fade Like Photographs


Watching Jack goof around in his interview was rather nice. They asked him questions about the new album, he made them point the camera at me once but I guess that's okay.
“So photo shoot now?” I asked after we walked out of the interview. Jack shook his head.
“NO, I want the yummy iced coffee stuff from Star Bucks!” Jack piped bouncing up and down. I rolled my eyes and laughed,
“You’re a nutter!” I yelled giggling
“But you love me.” He winked and kissed my cheek. I shook my head and walked into Star Bucks, I watched Jack order and take his drink. “TO THE PHOTO SHOOT!” Jack exclaimed enthusiastically.

After a fifteen minute walk we were standing with Rian, Alex and Zack while they got their make-up done for a photo shoot. I smiled and sat down. A familiar girl walked past. I frowned and chased after her.
“Lil?” I asked loudly. The girl turned to me. She looked stunning. She had brilliant make-up on and a Zebra bikini. “What are you doing here?”
“um, I am a part time model?” Lil asked more then she said.
“And I never knew… wow Pin-Up girl or clothing line modeling?” I asked looking her up and down.
“Well Pin-up girl for All Time Low.” She smiled. “Your friends so I believe?” she gave me a faint smile. “What about you?” Lil quizzed.
“Actually, same reason, Jack wants a photo taken with me. A proper one, I think his talking to the Girl about it now.” I smiled sweetly. Tiger Lilly shrugged happily,
“As long as I get a photo with Zack Merrick I’m fine.” She gleamed. I shook my head and laughed at her happiness.
“Well I’m going to go be dressed, I’ll see you soon?” I smiled and walked back over to the dressing room. “Peyton?” a tall brunette asked looking down at a sheet that had my name scribbled on it.
“That is me, what can I do for you?” I inquired giving her a fake grin.
“Well Jack’s explained two things he requires from this photo shoot. One personal, one not so personal, if you would like to come and look for a dress to wear...” The woman trailed off and walked away, I took it I was supposed to follow.

I looked at the rack that consisted of about seven items of clothing.
“This is basically what you have to choose from. I need you to pick two items from the rack and then follow me to shoes and accessories.” The lady still hadn’t given me a name, though her name tag read ‘Jo’. I rolled my eyes and looked at the dresses. One was strapless and white; on me it would have reached about mid thigh or just under that. I decided to pick that one up. I decided to go for the tight black dress that hugged all my curves for the second dress. I knew that I was going to be doing something weird. I held up both dresses and walked over to accessories. I didn’t need jewelry seeing as I was wearing the watch Alex had given me and my Drink Me necklace inspired by the cartoon Alice In Wonderland, I was also wearing a very expensive gold ring that Jack’s mother had given me quite some time ago. I picked up a black belt to go with my white dress just to mix it up a bit and white heals.

I smiled; I thought that what I had picked seemed right. So I went looking for other things to match my black dress. I found the perfect heals and a nice hair piece and looked at the girl who was running around frantically trying to find something.
“Um will this do?” I asked holding up all garments.
“Yes I just… AH HA! Here” she smiled and handed me a white headband. To the left of the headband stuck a small diamond bow. I smiled and thanked her and asked witch outfit I was using first. She took the white items out of my hands and pushed me toward the dressing room. “Meet me where I got you from when you are done.” She explained. I took her gist and walked into a small dressing room. The small black dress did me justice, I must say. After I spent a good while fixing my accessories I walked over to Jo.
“Okay now make-up and you’re out. The boys are already doing a shoot with Lilly I believe but you my dear are Alex’s one on one photo.” She smirked and pushed me into the make up room. I looked at the piles of makeup littered across the bench. A male with green hair started to fix my make-up. I liked what he did. Everything looked natural. Well expect for the black rim around my eyes.

I felt like a slut taking photos with Alex. At one stage my leg was wrapped around his waist and we were both making weird faces. Though I must admit it was a lot of fun mucking around with Alex.
“Okay make up stay’s the same, but we need that white dress on.” Jo half yelled as I walked out of the shoot. “Oh and you’re a natural by the way.” She winked. I chuckled at her remark and got changed. I liked this look better, it seemed more… me. “Honey, we have to leave, we are going to make our way to the park.” She smiled and took my hand. I frowned at her.
“What do you mean ‘leave’?” I felt my heart sink a little.
“If you were listening, We are going to the park, the next few photos are going to be taken there.” She smirked.
“Peyton.” Jack’s voice was a relief to my ears,
“Jack!” I smiled and tugged away from Jo’s grip. I ran as best as I could over to jack and hugged him. “What are you doing Mr.” I asked pointing toward the exit.
“making perfect memories.” Was all he told me, then he took my hand and lead me in the direction of the door where a taxi was waiting… Perfect memories? How is he supposed to make those?
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okay so this update is purely for The Freak Show. thank you o much for your comments,
so what did you all think? i'd love to know.

Peyton's Dress's